
Unfortunately for Americans advocating democratic socialism, they will get socialism with the Communist Party controlling the means of production or they will get fascism, where the omnipotent government will control corporations’ means of production

Gaslighting in Democracy

Gaslighting is “the practice of psychologically manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning.” There are many daily examples of gaslighting coming from the media and corrupt politicians daily. The question remains, are those manipulated able to tell that they are manipulated and are they making corrections to the warped reality they have been convinced to believe and trust?

At the end of WWII, Germany was split into two parts. One part was controlled by the Allies minus the Russians, Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD), German Federal Republic or West Germany; the other part was controlled by the Russians, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, (DDR), German Democratic Republic or East Germany. That side of Germany, five states in total, was neither Democratic, nor a Republic, it was a dictatorship controlled by the Soviet-style Communist Party.

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By BobF on 2023 04 27

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You point out very relevant issues, all of which are, of course, true, but we need to remember that if viewed in light of the true agenda of the real leadership (Schwab and his minions at the WEF of course) then everything described here is quite to plan.

They may be (well, are definitely) evil, but those scum in Davos are not stupid. We are nearing the end game of their decades-long con to shift society away from free market capitalism back to the feudal life "enjoyed" by all humans for millennia. Of course, in the wet ream visions of Mssrs Soros, Gates et al, they will become the elite leaders and the few peasants who survive food and energy shortages will be there to fix their appliances and clean up after their pets.

Witness what we have seen happening, like a slow-motion shipwreck into an iceberg - the degradation of the English language (decades ago, for some reason, the word "perpetrator" was replaced with "suspect", even while some dunderhead reporter would be showing a carjacker on live TV from a helicopter. More recently, of course, we have seen attempts at changing definitions of everything from "recession" to the word "definition".

Then there is the ever sadder joke that public education has become. Unions have consistently shown they could care less about the kids - for them it's all about more members (who cannot be fired, no matter how incompetent) in order to garner more membership dues to pay off - er, donate to - their pals in the Democrat party. So after a couple of generations of students being fed nonsense and outright lies, of course they are clueless as to reality and bray for what they think of as their "rights" (which is to say, stuff they really really want and therefore deserve). The fact the MSM has convinced a horde of useful idiots (thanks, Stalin, for that term!) that fascism and Nazis are right wing ideologies, when of course they are far left wing ideals. But why should facts matter when the masses are manipulated by way of their emotions, being unable to have any coherent rational thoughts?

By BobF on 2023 04 27

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Alongside that pathetic situation we have seen the legalization of marijuana - because keeping people stoned while they are also stupid makes them easier to manipulate - they are ever more emotionally driven. And how better to push them the way you want than by the use of fear? “We’s all gonna die of…global warming (BS from its inception),…Covid! (does anyone believe that any more?) or perhaps alien invasion! Again, under the microscope of what the WEF has been planning, these are all rather ingenious ways to keep so many otherwise well meaning people rushing over the cliff, as it were.

Of course, without their good pals in middle government (mayors, congressfolk, governors et al) and the MSM all those fairy tales would not get far - but imagine, should Schwab get his way, the shock and surprise on the faces of Mssrs Biden, Newsome, Shumer, Macron, Trudeau and the rest of that lot when they are being led to the chambers for liquidation, whining al the way “but but but Klaus, I did everything you told me to do!” After all, didn’t Mao elminate the educated class after taking over in China - parallels might be drawn.

However, my hope is that each day more people - real people with working brains - will see the trends being foisted upon us and will push back. Hard.

By Carol on 2023 04 27

Now that everything is coming out – just as predicted – the most disturbing thing is that they tried to jab EVERYBODY on this planet. That was their plan! Hitler didn't even plan to exterminate everybody! This is worst CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – and nothing is being done about it. Klaus Schwab WEF!

By BobF on 2023 04 27

This comment is not about the article to be published but rather a general one...

I have discovered that I am not able to access the website when I have my NordVPN turned on (I turned it off temporarily in order to get this far).

My question is, can your IT team figure out how to allow CFP to work when a VPN is in use? Because, at least until the leftist scum of the left pass the REACT thing into law, making VONs enemies of the state, I for one prefer to make use of them.

By D. on 2023 07 07

YOUR QUESTION: " The question remains, are those manipulated able to tell that they are manipulated and are they making corrections to the warped reality they have been convinced to believe and trust?"

MY OPINION: No. They (most of them) become verifiably addicted, 'in-denial' of it, and etc.
--It is insidious!

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