
That something that Hoover wanted issued to convince the public that Oswald was the real assassin was the Warren Report

Many Americans still believe there's a smoking gun document in the Kennedy assassination records

Many Americans still believe there's a smoking gun document somewhere in the Kennedy assassination records; a document that will reveal the truth about who was behind the plot to assassinate President Kennedy. However, the security state has had ample time to censor any information and destroy any evidence leading to the conspirators and shooters. And, the Secret Service made sure that the limousine the president was assassinated in was completely cleansed of any evidence. None of the evidence was preserved.

Furthermore, common sense tells us that the CIA and FBI would not object to releasing 60 year old documents unless both agencies needed more time to censor information leading to their agencies involvement in the planing, execution and coverup of the Kennedy assassination. They are not worried about exposing outdated, 60-year-old means and methods as they claim; however, they are worried about exposing the fact that their agencies have been violating the rights of American citizens since the 1950s. Of that, I'm absolutely certain!

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By Charlie McAllister on 2023 07 20

Great article with information no one else is putting out. Thanks

By Carlos T on 2023 07 21

I was in the 11th grade at a High School in Austin, Tx when we were told about the assassination. There were no more smiles that day.
Of course there's plenty of evidence pointing to a conspiracy higher than just Oswald. I think the conspiracy didn't just begin with the CIA and LBJ but began with something higher than just a "Top Secret" classification, maybe from that military-industrial complex that executes its own directives and answers to no one.
I for one don't see any reason why a policy change from Kennedy to Johnson was needed unless it was to hurry up and make lots of money fighting wars. Nowadays we might recognize that military-industrial complex as the Globalists who intend to assert their own power over us.

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