
We will continue to keep CFP online—no matter how trying things may get

Moving On From ‘The House By The Sea’

CFP's House By The Sea -- Photo: Brian Thompson

This planet called Earth, strings of which are now unravelling at a frightening pace, is 4.5 billion years old, WEF’er Mr. Klaus Schwab, spite-filled minions PM Justin Trudeau, Prez Joe O’Biden, all ‘go-get-em!’ Canada Free Press (CFP) trolls, lately even including a paltry few of our closest neighbors: Aren’t you guys (yes, GUYS) a little late trying to reimagine God’s Creation known as His (Yes, HIS!) Little Green Acres?

Indeed the world in which we all grew up is rapidly changing. So much so that we barely even recognize it anymore, but even among all the changes—unidentified and unseen by far too many of us, only recently released from Lockdowns and COVID masking, WE’RE STILL HERE!

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CFP Comments


By Lake Erie Granny on 2023 06 27

I've been a fan since discovering CFP years ago. I repost your stuff regularly. You're right, we're holding on to our faith and family. We'll never give in, never give up.

By DeathMerchant on 2023 06 27

Best of wishes for your housing search. Your work is very much appreciated.

By C Wells on 2023 06 27

You know what Judy? Your sanity and decency and bravery in exposing truth after truth in this world gives people hope despite the darkness that evil entities are trying to envelop our world in. It takes a LOT of courage to speak the truth and expose the evil "elitists". There is a class of people currently on this planet that have been called to be warriors against satan and his minions. They do not wear flak jackets or carry weaponry, but God has given them a mighty sword and shield to stand strong against evil. Unlikely warriors stronger than any army. Standing shoulder to shoulder with you Judy and sending you hope and blessings. God bless you.

By Moey2720 on 2023 06 27



By N. F. Young on 2023 06 27

That photograph of your house by the sea is absolutely beautiful.

I strongly suspect there is no lack of viewers who would desire it , but I do understand the reasons why they are currently unable to make offers, such as Current Ecomomic and Financial reasons, plus the former largest group in our population that drove our economy are retired, retiring, and expiring.

Wishing you all the best.

By Kathleen on 2023 06 27

Thank you, CFP!! You soothe my ragged spirit with your intelligent, forthright articles. Best of luck to you in your search for a piece of paradise! God is good.

By Centrewing on 2023 06 27

All the best to you and yours. Praying for you to find the peace and tranquility we all hope for. Best Wishes.

By Granny on 2023 06 27

Oh my.....I think I've missed some explanations somewhere. What's happening to CFP on the sea?

I wish pride month was really going to be over, but I fear the perverted freedom they were allowed during the month of sweet June which has forever been destroyed unless we TAKE BACK GOD'S RAINBOW and his covenant to us and they will continue because of the apathy of many. The drag shows will increase, parents will be more sucked into wokeness and will put their children in danger in order to become one with this agenda. Public schools will continue to be run by radical deviance and our children are at risk! HUGE risk. The chant (if it was real) that they are 'coming for our children' is scary, but I'm praying it was over the line enough that parents will wake up! Satan is alive and well, but we are God's children and God's warriors and God's testimony to the 'world,' we can't let Satan win.

By Frank on 2023 06 27

Best news source for two countries, Canada & USA.

By Linda Kilbride on 2023 06 27

This is so sad. I hope that you are able to find a place that will give you some peace in this upside-down world. God must be crying. We have many of the same problems in Arizona with our governor whom, I believe, stole the election from Kari Lake. Our legislature is fighting her illegal moves at this very moment.

God bless!

By Brian Thompson on 2023 06 27

From a CFP Reader: Lani H.

God bless you all, and may the Good Lord find the exact right place for you to go to. Like you we also live in Ontario, and would have fled had we been able to. Things have gotten very difficult here, and likely for most of us where ever any one lives in this country right now. There is a lot of evil in our world, and it appears as if BC and Ont have it in spades. I'm so sorry you have to leave your very beautiful and beloved home.....it looks STUNNING, and would be such a wondorous place to live....it is a hardship that is unimaginable, and especially after you only recently had to begin life anew where you are.

For what it is worth I believe God is already working through people to get us out of this mess that the greedy and soulless have put upon us, so, keep praying that we soon start to see God's Mighty Hand working. Unfortunately, I suspect we might have more darkness to go through first because so many are either in denial, or do not see what is happening.

If I may, I'd like to pray over all of you......my words might not be the prettiest, but God knows my heart and understands nonetheless, so here is my prayer this day for all of you

In the name of Jesus Christ I plead the blood of Jesus over you and family from the top of your head to the soles and toes of your feet, and over your beautiful home and business from the top of your roof to the earth deep beneath it's foundation, and all the property you presently reside on, and may God multiply your resources beyond any expectation.
Please God show your glory, and fill us all with your presence.

In God's Mighty Name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Have a blessed day!


By VOWG on 2023 06 28

I would like to say something but all that comes to mind is, what went wrong?

By Tim Kuehl on 2023 06 29

I just cannot understand the absolute greed of these people. Why do they care if you or I or anybody else owns our own home, drive where we choose in our own vehicle or travel by any means wherever and whenever we choose to go? Why do they care if we're comfortable in our own home? They all do. Why do they care at all about our personal lives? This is what greed does to people. But I would like to see what they do once they own everything. Think about it, every member of this group is infected with pure greed and once they have it all they're going to start taking from each other starting with the weakest until there's fewer and fewer among them with any wealth and then they'll only be one.

By vicki hufstetler on 2023 06 29

Oh what a beautiful house. While I don't understand why you must leave, I'll pray for your safety and success in a new place. We do care very much. I will continue to keep you and all the CFP family in my prayers. Curses to the evil forces of the left trying without shame to ruin all of us, Christian and Conservatives. They won't win, they can't! Because "if God is with us, who can be against us" Romans 8:31
God's blessings to you dear Ms. Judy.

By Kathie Mattson on 2023 06 29

My home will ALWAYS be your home!!

By Brian Thompson on 2023 06 30

From a CFP Reader: Phil D.

Bravo JudI. We really appreciate the stories coming out of CFP. My only hope is for your CFP to survive that imbecile Trudeau.

We really need to get back our once proud neighbor Canada.

We’ll always be rooting for you.


By Charles Wills on 2023 07 05

Judy, I wish you the best and will be praying that you find a buyer soon.

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