
We may witness the final unraveling of the social contract in America

Republican Strategy: Retreat From Victory

Having won the White House, the House and the Senate, the victorious Republicans have handed the Democrats the budget process. In doing so they have surrendered everything they were supposedly fighting for: no wall, no end to Obamacare, no end to sanctuary cities, and no end to funding for Planned Parenthood. The Democrat leaders are celebrating their victory after losing election after election. Those of us who voted Republican, who voted to get our country back, are mourning a loss after winning election after election. This does not bode well for the Republican Party, the democratic process, or the social contract in America. A few weeks ago, I asked the question: are Democrats smarter than Republicans. Just asking the question enraged many of the “Read the headline and ignore the article” crowd. If they had read the article they would have learned that my answer to that question was no, they aren’t smarter just dedicated to a larger purpose than feathering their own nests or maintaining power.
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