
Is it any wonder why the politicians of our day have no morals about the plight of babies in the womb or the plight of little children surgically mutilated?

Senate Porn Sex Tape: Depravity On The Loose

Shockingly, the stunning obscenity of Democrat Senator Ben Cardin staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski’s gay sex tape—filmed in the Senate and gone viral over the internet—doesn’t end there.

Unfortunately, in these times of an upside down world, young, old and in between cannot unsee what they’ve already seen on social media.

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By Granny on 2023 12 17

This same congress who screamed about Brett Kavanaugh's nomination due to the charges against him that women are to be believed? Well, if these same women who are forceful enough to go through campaigns and all the trash talking and tripe that goes with that, can't speak up and stick up for themselves and other females there, then this article should not even have to be written. Women, whether it's in sports dealing with trans men taking their trophies or in congress where some sick men get their kicks out of filthy behavior, CAN and should scream to high heaven right when it happens and humiliate the jerk (or jerker) at the time. There's power in numbers when they stick up for what's right but if they don't exercise it; then they'll just have to quit whining and deal with it. Carry an umbrella or walking stick and whack that thing or that hand just once and it won't happen again, I can guarantee you.

By Centrewing on 2023 12 17

No wonder the west is failing so badly. No wonder they want real women not to exist. Just NO, no wonder, this is getting sicker and sicker, these sickos need to be in a mental institution or just knocked off period who needs this in their lives, especially stealing and now running our countries?
Then I remembered the WEF/Lieberals/ndp putting on their pink high heels and dancing around the once upon a time "Canadian Parliament" now what is it? No wonder "they these psychos" have to buy out mainstream media.
They are like some bad motorcycle gangs/cartels/triads, who new members have to murder someone to prove they are with them before they can become a member to keep them all true to each other? No wonder why these " psychos, LGBTQP+++" stick together and do as they are told?
We must take our countries back from these very sick monstrosities. Soon we must legally find a way to really find out the truth about these people running for government/police/judges/doctors etc. their personal lives/financial as well not just trust they are decent humans before voting for them?
God please help us find our way through this very sick time.

By Watsyxz on 2023 12 17

Since female congress members have been threatened implicitly and covertly to never make formal complaint, with names, then it would take someone behind the scenes with access to get and release video footage (there is supposed to be surveillance cameras everywhere) to courageous whistleblowers like OMG (O’Keefe). Cawthorn said there were (are) all kinds of perversions happening.

By Ben Colder on 2023 12 17

Well I know for a fact that it is not just congress that this happens and it is not just men either .I am retired now but where I worked there were women that made it very plain that they would do what it Takes to get promoted I have heard them say that . So I do not know how it will be stopped when some people engage in it and say nothing even welcome it if it means getting that promotion .

By old farta on 2023 12 17

Women spend half of their lives and half of their man,s fortunes on getting men to look at them, arouse men's sexual desires, all for the purpose of robbing them. Reap what you sow.

By Mad Celt on 2023 12 17

The new Temple of Diana.

By News on the Net on 2023 12 18

From a CFP reader: Larry K

You are so very spot on. Washington is, and has been, a cesspool of filth and dishonesty (as we keep learning... sigh...). The fact that taxpayer dollars are doled out to protect the filth is a crime of coverup that should never, ever happen. And there, in the Senate hearing room, is the proof for the whole world to see!

Americans should be angry as all hell that unwanted advances of any sort, sexual or otherwise, is allowed. Let alone a pay-off fund is available to keep such antics under wraps. I'm no prude, nor pure of morals, but such behavior is shameful, criminal, and morally abhorrent!. Yet, it's the perks of power, eh? It's not a secret how power can be corrosive, and history has displayed many cases, politically, sexually, and legally (I.E. our favorite drunk and absolutely power-hungry piece of nasty, hate-filled personality, Marxist Swillary and her red-nosed reindeer husband, Bill, for instance, who have used power to indulge in all three.

And I haven't even opined on the rot of bribery from all directions, foreign and/or domestic... lobbyists, Congressmen, Senators, and sadly, much more--all a greedy, soulless bunch...

You know, I know, the whole damn world must surely know, Washington desperately needs an overhaul. Call it draining the swamp or rooting out the depravity, our government's behavior is, in itself, a national security issue. The question is how to cleanse what sours the trust of a pissed off nation.

America has always been a symbol of good, warts and all. Now it has become a symbol of smut and corruption ( nothing new, right? )....

By Michael Bollinger on 2024 01 03

Granny, you are so right. Don't Mothers teach their daughters how to protect themselves and others any more? A letter opener can be at hand at all times, and poke some holes in hands, call the regular police, go to the media and scream bloody murder.

In todays times, it can be men harrassing men, or women harrassing women.

We live in a Catch-22 society. When we give women power to affect a mans job or stature with an accusation, that is not good either. TAKE CARE OF IT YOURSELVES, not turn it into a retirement fund.

By Michael Bollinger on 2024 01 03

Larry K.. I read and comprehend what you write. You are correct, and the base of this is that it does not cost people a dime of reputation, or a dollar of their own money.

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