
Having already gotten away with locking the masses down during three long years of COVID-19 fear mongering, they are now virtue signalling their way toward 15 minute cities

The “15 Minute City” Concept No Conspiracy But A New Lockdown Strategy

In a now totally upside-down world, the United Nations/WEF is the shepherd, and unsuspecting masses, the sheep.

The latest move of the largely U.S.-funded UN? The 15 Minute City—a world wide phenomenon, during which the UNFCCC (The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change) gets to brand any and all dissenters “conspirators”.

The 15 Minute City is not a federal initiative, but a municipal one. Thousands of municipal councils in North America alone, are all but owned by the United Nations.

Related: Agenda 21: ‘The Agenda That Wasn’t Really There’

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By BobF on 2023 05 01

All true - the scum that is WEF just pushes what will keep the peasants under control (well, those who survive food shortages and freezing winters when there's not enough energy to heat them).

I think every person needs to read Naomi Wolf's book "The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human" as she lays out quite clearly what has been done to humanity by the evil incarnate that is Schwab, Soros and their minions.

By Centrewing on 2023 05 01

Sad part is that the NDP the other half of the Lieberal Party has been pushing this for decades. When I was on the farm a 4 man party of NDP wanted our votes as they wanted cities to be "built up not out" and no more of this buying small building lots from farmers "destroying farms" they told us, complaining about the smell, complaining about the speed limits and tractors/farm equipment on country roads. They also wanted city people not to have cars to get away from the crowding and us farmers just have lots outside of the cities so our produce could be picked up by city workers and sold to groceries? This was in the early 1980's I believe could have been late 1970's but they really wanted to have all the farmers having meetings about it all. My husband and I both had jobs in the city too, we owned a truck dealership and garage and I also worked at one of the hospitals in the city the NDP guys all thought it would be better if we just drove to a parking lot and caught a bus then transferred to another one or two to get to our jobs or just work the farm give up the needed jobs to support a family farm which rarely made any money extra money itself as farm equipment and yearly seeds and fertilizer are very expensive. I heard only the industrial factory farm owners who do not work on their own farms, but only two of them even showed to this meeting.

By James on 2023 05 01

Judi & Brian,
Excellent effort on exposing this "15 minute city" concept which has been floating around for some time now. I wonder how many people are actually aware of this entity...much less what it is designed to accomplish on behalf of herr schwabin-nobbin and his sidekick hilde...
Again, CFP is on the job!!

By Watsyxz on 2023 05 02

Isn't this exactly what the Senior Retirement Communities all over the nation actually are? They enforced the covid lockdowns in these corporate communities with an iron fist. They provide busses for trips to the stores, but one must conform strictly to their schedules, not your own. Scores of millions of seniors are living in these "`15 Minute" Communities already. Those already committed to these places have iron-clad contracts drawn up by the corporate lawyers which gives the management control over resident's lives, and even their medical decisions. Wake up! Those 15 minute cities are already here and growing slowly but surely.

By roberto on 2023 05 02

They ever try to implement this and the rounds will be a flying, we the people will shut that $hit down ,no exceptions

By Sir LM Swart on 2023 05 03

Gratitude is extended

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