
The question many ask under their breath is whether we will have an honest election in 2024. Election integrity is a subject no one in the media, including Fox News, seems to be allowed to talk about

The Implosion of the Democrat Party

Democrat Bizarro World:

    "The survival of democracy depends on a Democratic presidential victory in 2024, and no one else has stepped up to carry the burden." ~ F. Wilkinson, Bloomberg

The quote from Mr. Wilkinson is nonsense, of course. Democrats have been hawking that slogan for years, reliant on your ignorance to apply any meaning. They live in a bizarro world. Everything is opposite. If they say they are fighting for democracy, they are fighting to destroy it. If they say the border is closed, it is open—wide open. If they say they are transparent, they are anything but. Even their name is a misnomer. It is the strategy of the lie—the goal of every dictator, communist, fascist, or anarchist. Repeat the lie often enough, and someone will believe it.

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By Handsome Pristine Patriot on 2023 11 25

The democrat party is, and has been for many years, the US communist party.
Prove me wrong.

By D3F1ANT on 2023 11 25

We aren't holding our breath for an honest election in 24. There's ZERO chance of that. The Democrats fixed that problem in 2020...that was the whole point of their coup. I'm expecting there won't be any election at all. I expect they'll suspend elections for "safety" (against fake MAGA problems or fake pandemics or some other fake Democrat-orchestrated crisis).

By John McCarthy on 2023 11 25

plain truth, clearly delivered. RIGHT on!

By Watsyxz on 2023 11 25

Excellent article describing the lies we have had imposed on the people by the government, the news/entertainment/propaganda media. the UniParty, the medical/pharmaceutical industry, the entire government education system, and international dictatorial billionaires and tyrants.
It is not just about elections. It’s about standing up to the aforementioned bullies, and standing for truth and morality. They have been testing us. So far, Americans
have been intimidated and scared into submission and obedience, complying without hesitation or rational thought about what “they” are demanding - forcing lies on us, like men can become women, the border is closed and secure, killing the unborn is a “good” thing, the climate change hoax, etc. Not standing against lies is so UN-American of “us.” “They” are going to try to scare us into submission again as a teaching tool to train and condition the population into further surrender. Let us not tolerate the lies and removal of our rights any longer.
“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with you (Joshua 1:9).

By Charles R McRae on 2023 11 25

Anything a Democrat is for I am against, I was a moderate until politics went nuts.

By bob F on 2023 11 26

I can only hope that, after witnessing what we have seen in Argentina and the Netherlands, the people at large will rise up against these wanna-be dictators by whatever means become necessary.

Uh-oh - I bet that comment has put me on some federal watch list...

By D. Morrell on 2023 11 27

2024 is likely the last time the nation will ever vote with a chance of winning back office. Importing 10 million illegals and giving them benefits, handouts and arranging homes for them in exchange for their vote is the biggest fraud of all. The ability of voting machines to flip votes is the primary weapon at the Dems disposal. Why has no honest government addressed that issue? The GOP need an astute computer programmer to sort that one once and for all.

By Ben Colder on 2023 11 28

The democrat party has become nothing more and nothing less than the communist party of the US and they really don't try to hide it .The communists want to control everything and how a so called Catholic like Joe Bribeme spouts the communist line is just unbelievable and he is not the only one that claims to be Catholic and are nothing but communists. That is one reason they hate Donald Trump so much he has exposed them for what they are. I would guess that they will get Trump on some charge they have enough charges against him that somrthing will stick and with so many of the judges being either on the take or are communists themselves I doubt that Trump will not be sent to prison its all right out of the communist play book remember the old Soviet union same thing is happening now.

By bob F on 2023 11 28

To @Ben Colder's point - even what it means to be Catholic comes into question, now that Pope piece-of-sh*t is getting rid of Bishops who don't toe the globalist line. Disgusting on every level.

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