
Democrats are determined to transform this nation into a one-party socialist police state any way they can. This is not politics as usual

The Real Threat to Democracy--The Emerging Democrat Police State

The Real Threat to Democracy, The Emerging Democrat Police State
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made headlines nationwide on February 3, 2014, after bluntly telling law students at the University of Hawaii that internment camps to detain Americans would eventually return. Acknowledging that the infamous Supreme Court-approved internment of Japanese-Americans in wretched camps during World War II was wrong, the conservative-leaning justice followed up by adding that “you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.” In “times of war,” Scalia said, citing a Latin expression attributed to Cicero, “the laws fall silent.”
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By El Gallo on 2022 08 27

And think about FL senatorial candidate Charlie Crist -- 40 years in politics, including being a Governor. He just says he has no interest in winning over voters, but says anyone thinking of voting for DeSantis "has hate in [their] heart." Nowhere near normal. He is intentionally throwing away normal electoral politics, in favor of churning up strife. What does Deep State Charlie know?

By John Vance on 2022 08 27

Either vote them out or take them out.

By Pilgrimson on 2022 08 27

Who is the real threat to democracy or more accurate, who is the real threat to our constitutional republic?
The demonrats are, they succeeded to disassemble our Constitutional Republic!

By Brian Richard Allen on 2022 08 27

....Chi-Com Zhou Bidet babbles repeatedly of what he calls "white supremacy" / domestic terrorism.

.... But where is all of his "white supremacy?"

.... Is simply being "white," domestic terrorism?

.... Has the serially-treasonous, lying, looting, RICO-racketeering, organized-sovereign-criminal, fascist-Marxist "democrats'" Gropey-Zhou-Bidet Junta declared war on We, The (Sovereign, American,) People -- and particularly upon that marked majority of us it feels comprise its political opponents ....?

Um .... YES!

By ENZO on 2022 08 28

$400 million was given to Haliburton to build detention centers? Now we know why Liz Cheny is a RHINO, her dad was the CEO of Haliburton.

By SwiftJustice on 2022 08 29

We the People of (T)he United States of America, the true REPUBLIC, could give a ratzazz about your "Democracy", that you ignorantly and disgustingly tout as some saviour of mankind, being brainwashed and duped to do so your entire life. It is very sad to see someone still that ignorant, truly, with all due respect, of what a Democracy actually is. We are not a Democracy in America, at least the real People aren't. The real "People" of (T)he United States of America are what are known as "State Nationals" or "State Citizens", with a LARGE "C" - THE TRUE GOVT. We the People are NOT what are called "U.S. citizens", with a small "c", which are British/Papal Subjects/Slaves that only have the "privileges" given them by the CORPORATE 14th Amendment Bylaw of a bankrupt Delaware Corporation called The United States of America Incorporated, which went bankrupt around 1907. So what is it that resides in D.C.? Something that assumed our Identity, related to the Khazar "Name Stealers" of old, who OWN your Bank of England and the other Central banks, along with their Vatican partner/master. There will be no Civil War in America, because We KNOW who these scum are and what they have done. There WILL BE a MASS EXECUTION of British Territorial and Papal Municipal FRAUDS that have taken over our Govt. with INTENT to rob, murder and enslave us, as they do in the U.K. to their SUBJECTS there. We are not the same little "Subjects".
Canadiens are "c"itizens of this same satanic Cabal that has done this to America. You possess no "God-given Unalienable Rights". You only possess "privileges" that can be taken away. In America the fraud 14th Amendment only applies to citizens, persons or residents, which are not living men and women by their true LEGAL definition, but are Servants, Slaves, Subjects, Vessels and NON-living Property of the Crown in the City of London, owned by the Vatican for the past 1500 years.
Wise up. You don't even know what you are talking about - Democracy?2 wolves and 1 sheep voting for what is for dinner is your ignorant Democracy you promote. That is why you are being devoured by your Govt. now, Canada. Gets no more ignorant than that. In a Republic the sheep have guns.

By SwiftJustice on 2022 08 29

In your oh so beloved "Democracy" you so daringly and triumphantly exalt as if it were God's gift to creation, 2 wolves and 1 sheep vote for what is for dinner. YOU are the sheep, if you think a Democracy is your friend. In a REPUBLIC the sheep have guns. Where are your guns, Canada? Do you not now wonder why your Govt. is devouring you in your beloved "Democracy"? No greater ignorance has come down the road in the past 100 years. Maybe even 101.
Will you be sheep enough to censor this, CFP, or are you SUBJECTS of your so-called Democracy? If maybe the truth were heard you could turn things around for your People, but you are probably too brain-washed any longer to see beyond your Plato's cave.
When I look now at Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, I see programmed sheep, that somehow believe their Democracy stands above all else, while it devours them and grinds them into powder - straight unto TOTALITRAIAN COLLECTIVIST DESTRUCTION.
Wise up, People - unless there is nothing left there but fools that push for more of the same "Democracy" that gave you all this. What a joke. So very ignorant, I am sorry, but this had to be said. Soft words save nobody. Get off your DEAD ASSES and FIGHT! Or die like dogs. That you surely will, sooner than you think, if you don't rise up and PUT DOWN the RABID DOGS that just attacked your children and Grandma. Cowards let their children be subjected to this kind of rigged "Democracy" - owned-and-operated by British/Vatican bankers/RABID DOGS. While they pretend it is all for good. What cowards.
Cowards, also along with all liars, are cast into the Lake of Fire at the end. Maybe you never learned that? Maybe it will be where you go then. It may be better for the rest of us in the long run. The Universe needs as few cowards as it can get.
Are you offended? Gonna take your blocks and go home? better wake the hell up fast! Your "Democracy" means NOTHING but your END. I guess you ain't quite figured that out yet. Soon nobody will be left to do so. Sheep are ALL slaughtered by the wolves.
True Cowards are all that would censor this comment. Very sad.

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