
Americans are beginning to see that large parts of our government, this traitor class, is in a massive program of manipulation of our people, culture, religion, and lifestyle-- A socialist world government, and they are not liking it it.

The Traitor Class

The anguish that I feel having to stare at my computer screen to begin another article is getting too familiar. I feel like I'm expected to write another Twilight Zone script, not believing anything I write. But, I go on. I write what I see, and it's not pretty.

What America is up against is unlike anything we have ever encountered or experienced. It has the potential of being more bloody than the Civil War and more threatening than both world wars. But now we face an army of traitors...a traitor class, domestic enemies working behind the scenes in shadow. They are dividing our country, destroying our freedom, our democratic republic, our sovereignty, our Judeo Christian values, our morality, the family unit, our culture, even our monuments to American heroes. They are spending us into oblivion as Cloward and Piven envisioned.

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CFP Comments


By Lee Cary on 2023 07 01

Mr. DiLorenzo,
You express my sentiments precisely, sir. A day doesn't pass without me wondering about the future of America. Not for my wife and my welfare, but for that of our 6 grandchildren. Thank you.
Lee Cary

By Mariann Benway on 2023 07 01

How do we wake people up? North Carolina has a terrible senator, willing to sell us out all the time. If we try to demonstrate, they’ve shown us we’ll be jailed. I feel very helpless, other than trying to wake up my friends and neighbors.

By D3F1ANT on 2023 07 01

Americans are not liking it, you are correct. Sadly, we're doing almost nothing to fight it or end it. We whine and write articles but that's it.

By Danimal28 on 2023 07 01

Yep, great article Ray and spot on!

By Valsily Zaitsev on 2023 07 01

Remember the wonderful movie "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming," with Alan Arkin? Well, the LEFT has been trying to scare the Hell out of us to keep us on edge, distracted form the approximately 30 to 35 MILLION illegal migrants THEY have let come into our country to get FREE everything, while our "government" keeps jumping our National Debt up more than a TRILLION dollars a year! We are having to pay close to 75% of our yearly budget to pay JUST the INTEREST on our debt, and THEY want to bring us into full bankruptcy in the next year or two!

By Veto Longwene on 2023 07 01

FYI 2020 100% STOLEN!!! #UnplugTheVote #KenyanTraitor #ExileSorosObozoHunter

By Rudy on 2023 07 01

I've been trying so hard to tell people in my life the truth for a few years. They don't listen.
I answer the surveys. I vote in polls. I donate to politicians. Have even written to my state representatives to let them know we are watching what they do. Telling them not to grow too secure in their jobs. Still they vote how they want. I know half the government is made up of traitors. I just don't know what to do about it.
I feel like I'm wasting time and money.

By RON BUTT on 2023 07 01


By RON BUTT on 2023 07 01

hang 'em high for treason

By Centrewing on 2023 07 01

Unfortunately we have to really take a hard stand to stop this which is a big problem as most of our people are way too soft minded to realize. We had stern laws for traitors and for treason and it was death one sad way or another. This is the only way we can protect our selves and our countries. Since real justice is now mostly bought out first we need to honestly set this up again so it is harsh and really works.
Again there is no soft way to stop this and most people cannot be that hard and really harsh. It will become that they are with us and then it will be too late as it may already be. Waiting for the next fixed election or someone else to do the hard work needed to stop our demise will not work it has gone past that they are already ready for a peaceful uprising as we have seen peace will not stop this.

By Arlene on 2023 07 01

Ray ~
This was so perfectly written that I am going to take the chance and re-post this to FACEBOOK in its entirety.
Now, let's address the Canadian wildfires...theories are abounding that what is now polluting our atmosphere - like what is now floating around outside - is what is in the chemtrails: Benzine and Formaldehyde. What is the REAL 'story' with these "fires?" My kids were Covid-quarantined for almost 3 years (home-schooled) due to health issues and were just "set free" this past March - only to be limited by their time outside now due to the air quality from these fires.
Also, you left out the WEF's plans for us while describing our new lives - if we all, en mass, don't band together to do something about this madness my kids will never again know the life that we grew up in. That is beyond inexcusable and must be stopped at ALL costs!!

By Craig Abernethie on 2023 07 01

I am Not in Washington but am in Western Australia. I Love every word of what you have said Ray. I Love President Trump and his Policies for America and the World! I am a Conservative but agree with his Tax and Jobs Act to get America Working again and bring the Money back from overseas so that Americans can have Jobs and Not the Interlopers from the South. The Wall is an inspired Monument to his Ego and a good way to keep out the Mongrels. Conservative Justices and Judges are also a very good idea. When he had both Houses and the Presidency, He made the Repubs Work for a Living passing his Plan and Legislation and did they like it? No! That's why he will Never be allowed to be the President Again Ever! All sides Hate him and they have to Destroy him and his Family! It is such a shame! Primary All Repubs except the 100% MAGA types and then vote in their replacements against the Dumbs! Then hope America gets lucky with the Picks and doesn't end up with a Pack of RINO'S again! I hope you write about what I have told you but understand if you don't. Thank you Ray and All the best from Western Australia.

By Danimal28 on 2023 07 02

Hey, Trump has over 50,000 people show up to a rally in Pickens, SC yesterday and the media isn't even covering it. By design - the traitor class, indeed.

By Ted Weiland on 2023 07 02

Traitors beget Traitors

Have you ever wondered just HOW America has ended up with the caliber of civil "leaders" she has today?

Could it have something to do with Article 6's Christian test ban by which mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated? Once adopted, it was inevitable that America would be ruled by nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals. Sound familiar?

Take nincompoops, for example. Exodus 18:21's qualifications begin with the fear of Yahweh. Kings David and Solomon point out the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Thus, without the fear of Yahweh, you end up with, at best, nincompoops as your alleged leaders.

The best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic's unbiblical election system is the lessers of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 9.

Then find out how much you *really* know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and receive a complimentary copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.

By Guilty Bystander on 2023 07 02

Why all the time do I see the cul de sac braingames of, "left" or "globalist?"

Axioms such as, "You will suffer the exact amount of Tyranny as you will tolerate," are of much greater value than falling into left/right globohomo/nationalist mind-traps.

The problem isnt that there are sinister cabals, or well funded think tanks war gaming how to bend the publics mind.

The problem is that levers of power are excused, justified and exempted by the very "public mind" scapegoat!

Lamenting faction A/B while still paying your taxes (lets be historic about it and call it more properly, Tribute) to the very ham fisted centralized authority, is an insanity reserved only for Westerners.

Seduced by the marketing terms of "freedom" pitched in the US Constitution (really, Spooner's take was more accurate- Constitution of No Authority), we are destined to clambor for the lever of power and enjoin some tribalistic ritual of the Faction A/B cul de sac charade.

The truth is uglier. It is our neighbors who have conjured this demon. Their minds are bewitched by a siren song called an anthem, mesmerized by by the flash of Abrams cannon fire, ritualizing and sanctifying the sacredness of their sceipture (political office, voting rituals, laws, etc).

It is the congregants in the Church of Authority who have abdicated their own agency, bent the knee to the sorcerors & clergy of academia, and have believed the most malevolent lie: That the "government" (whichever it may be) is legitimate.

That the taxes arent theft. That the police arent highwaymen. That the judges aren't Made Men mafiosos.

In their religious worship and belief in their Syndicate's lies, what else could happen but this?! How far will a tyranical oligarchy go if the minds that not only provide sustence to it, also believe that they are authorized to do it?

One does not blame an actor's poor performance upon the actor. The responsible party is the casting director, and its upon him we place the responsibility.

Your neighbors are the responsible party. They have hired this Syndicate. Its not the A/B faction tripe, its the minds of friends and neighbors who have believed the lie, and fallen under the spell.

By bert33 on 2023 07 02

robots will take over, and not a minute too soon. No doughnuts were harmed during the production of this internet post. Have a great day, dont take things so seriously, and blessed be one and all.

By Curmudgeon on 2023 07 02

I agree with the author, except for identifying who is responsible. The continual reference to "the left" is misleading and helpful to the cause of the globalists. Globalists are whatever they need to be -left, right, and everything in between, including fake nationalists. All they care about is control over your life and more power to themselves. Every political movement or rare honest politician that has opposed them has been vilified and attacked. War is their biggest asset. It culls the male population, making their 3rd world invading young men more "desirable" to the female population. The lower IQ produced offspring are easier to manipulate. All wars are economic wars for the benefit of the international corporate raiders.

By Travis R on 2023 07 02

I am sick of the " Judeo Christian values, our morality, the family unit, our culture, even our monuments to American heroes"
The values are not the same and they are not our friends. Stop conflating the 2.

By Laura Ann on 2023 07 02

Only a tiny percentage understand or know about the WEF/UN globalist plan, no more than 2-3 percent of the population. Most patriots are elderly and younger ones of fighting age are so few to even matter. The masses won't wake up until this country is completely off the rails and UN troops are in cities and on the streets with military vehicles. It is useless to inform now, since we are under the UN-WHO treaty and are funding it. Most will never wake up until they are lined up and sent to detention centers for slave labor or executions.

By Jenny T-S on 2023 07 02

All that and More!
But, we do KNOW why at least some folks are not fighting back in a major way.
America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and God brought folks into play -
whether Christian or not - to do what needed to be done at the right times.
Today, 400+ years later, as we've largely kicked Him out of all aspects of our country,
He's left us to the consequences of our actions.
BUT, and it's a big one, God is still in control overall and His plans and His purposes will prevail.
Those who study end times prophecy can literally see what was written about thousands of years ago
coming to pass - from signs in the skies to the New World Order's demonic takeover!
God said it would happen and it IS!
So, while we continue to fight the good fight and to warn others of what's to come,
we know that what is happening IS going to happen - heartbreaking and frustrating as it is to watch -
and that, while the demonically controlled left and globalists around the world may seem to be winning the battle,
overall their time is short, and that God has already won the War!
Now, it's simply a matter of choosing sides - GOD versus Evil.
There is no middle ground.
Pray that those who are deceived have their hearts and minds opened to the truth!

By Gaz on 2023 07 03

Ditto here in Oz.

By Alan V Cecil on 2023 07 04

Ray, Thanks for the litany of the Obama/Biden regimes...
In three words...

By Geo Tavern on 2023 07 07

This is my first email from Canada Free Press. It's funny and heartbreaking at the same time. I read a few comments & saw that one poster was "going to take a chance" and share it to FB. I will also take a chance. Thank you for an honest article. Geo

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