
Canada Free Press Prediction: All crazed WEF’ers, all ribbon-cutting Butter Pants Mayors, who put allegiance to the United Nations ahead of their own constituents will be contained in richly deserved straitjackets

WEF’ers Bound To Look Less Than Ravishing In Their Straitjackets

‘WEF: 'ALL Humans Will Wear a Uniform' by 2030--headline, News Addicts, Dec. 25, 2023

Those in generations of the past were spared from coming across gross pictures of Klaus Schwab & Company decked out in their absurd raiment in the iconic Simpson/Sears catalogue.

Maniacal Schwab, calls his absurd form of dress a “uniform” when, in reality, he’s a largely ignored latter day ‘Emperor With No Clothes’.

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By bob F on 2023 12 27

First of all, we need to acknowledge that while they are evil incarnate, the WEF is not stupid by any means. They have been working for decades in multiple arenas to mold the world into the utopia they foresee (that is, a feudal economy where those peasants (i.e. - us) who survive the jab and freezing for lack of power and starvation etc. will become the servants who can polish the fenders of their Maybachs and serve them drinks on the Gulfstream private jets. They all know full well that global "boiling" (that's what the # in charge of the UN called it, right?) is a farce, that covid is an engineered flu designed to enable them to force the weak minded (of whom there are far too many on this planet) into taking what amounts to being a poison shot, and that DEI is merely a way for them to get those aforementioned morons (a/k/a useful idiots) to destroy their own societies. After all, just how "diverse" is the WEF?

Again, this has been a decades-long effort. At first, subtle changes in language (why did "perpetrator" suddenly get replaced with "suspect" thirty+ years ago? And more recently of course the attempts to change the definition of "recession" and even "definition" speak to this subtle plot - which enables those without the power of observation to bray "that's nothing!" to anyone who brings them up. And we are now living in what that scummy band of c*nts (to use the British slang) sees as their end game - they are no doubt so excited about "winning" and achieving their long term goals that they no longer even attempt to hide their contempt for decency.

Yesterday I read how that marvel of ignorant bovine stupidity, the governor of New York State, is pushing a law that will require Chic fil-A stores to open on Sundays. Naturally, the elites hide that obvious attack on personal religious choice behind some nonsense about the state owning the Parkways on which the designated restaurants do business, but their real goal is as obvious as the Disney backed beauties who screech "bigot!" to anyone pointing out the disgusting nature of their drag queen story hours or the bearded chubby incel in a fairy dress manning (literally, manning!) the front door of the gift shop at Disneyland. Meanwhile, in Kommiefornia, good old Guvna Newsom's new law about raising minimum wage for fast food employees to $20/hour starting next month has already caused Pizza Hut to declare they are laying off all their delivery drivers, and Micky D's will be raising prices.

It strikes me that the WEF leadership will get their cummupence. It might not be completely peaceful, but it will happen.

By Centrewing on 2023 12 28

Put them all in one way rockets out of our solar system we do not want them hanging around earth they are poisonous murderers.
Did everyone see the You Tube video of Clause Schwab's close underling Hussein something or other name who had a family he walked out on I guess he decided he loved Clause more than his family he was in banking, Now the Hussein's son who also knew Klaus as a youngster before his father left is a retired banker and had a lot to say regarding his father and the Klaus sickos. He thinks they should have been jailed years ago too, and cannot believe they are still out there gaining power and stupid people are going along with their sickness and greed all.

By Rayburner on 2023 12 31

Every time I see Schwab in that ridiculous outfit all I see is a pretentious, self-important, deeply self-deceived man, a dessicated soul with all the spiritual depth of a dry puddle and, for some reason, that "sinister", menacing music from Star Wars which plays whenever the emperor appears, keeps playing in the background. I'm starting to think that WW3 is a preferrable option to the plans of these satanic psychopaths.

At least a decent EMP or three could be used to take out the networks their control-freak concepts rely on. Anyone wanna give Iran or North Korea a call? Or I suspect that Putin might genuinely be interested. Maybe fat ol' sol will intervene by vomitting a CME, in utter disgust, in our direction the likes of which the world has never seen.

Now that may in fact be the best option, if perchance (very slim chance) it occurs, because options relying on human intervention are rapidly diminishing with nary a consquence. Even if half the world was scorched it would be better than a WEF/UN, mark of the beast future. If we wait for the world to be stripped of access to resources, does anyone know of a big enough supply of pitchforks and sling-shots? because that's where we are headed.

Remember, though, this ENTIRE EDIFICE relys on our continued dependence on meaningless, worthless, fiat currency, particularly the electronic form but really all forms... and our laziness in always choosing the "easy option" and fear of deviating from that way of transacting because of the threats emanating from the entrenched parasite class, the arrogant, oppressive, gutless, spineless, blind, stupid, ignorant, gullible, useful idiots in governments and its bureaucracies, and the consequent intentional blindness of the masses. "Don't disturb me with that conspiracy nonsense... I wanna drink beer and watch football!"

Seriously, how do we organise a world-wide, unified uprising and get enough people to wake up because their heads are super-glued to a rail and the train is minutes away? The easy way is invariably the low, broad road to hell.

Ultimately, the wicked fall by their own plans, by their own hand... but how do we survive during the intervening period of a wild beast flailing and lashing about madly as its inevitable demise looms larger than its own huge shadow?

By Rayburner on 2023 12 31

Regarding Turdeau, every time I see him the first thing that comes to mind is the character, Percy Wetmore, on "The Green Mile". I really do think that young Perce does give us a clear picture of the type of person which TruNo really is although perhaps not quite as evil as the real person has shown himself to be.

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