
Unfortunately for Obama, Biden cannot “deliver the lines” very well, but he sure can follow orders

Who Is Really President Hint It's Not Crooked Joe

Yes, Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States and enjoys all the benefits of the office, including travel on Air Force One and Secret Service protection. He assumed the office after a controversial and contested election employing a “basement” campaign strategy with few events and media interviews.

Since his inauguration, his mental and physical condition has seriously deteriorated. With his declining health, it is inconceivable that Joe Biden can serve as President until he is 86 years old. However, when asked about his age and the concerns of Americans, Biden usually says “watch me.”

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By keann on 2023 07 03

While I do believe obama and his lackeys are "in charge" at the White House, who is running obama?

By Old Vet on 2023 07 03

So, we can indict Obama as a co-conspirator in a treason trial??

By RON BUTT on 2023 07 03


By Centrewing on 2023 07 03

What about Soros and son ? it seems all these pretend Presidents and Prime Ministers run there to get their orders too, starting with Hilary ? our PM in Canada and our Ukrainian Nazi chrystia second in command both run to the Clinton's, John Kerry, Obama, and even kneel to George and son Soros ? I often wonder if Klause Schwabb does too? or is it Blackrock or China ? so many globalists to choose from all bad people. I would like to bet that Elon Musk or Bill Gates know? The UN is all controlled too? look at the fiasco they are doing to the whole world? Globalism who is really running all this horror show?

By ItsJo on 2023 07 03

Without a doubt, this has been the BEST article I've read that covers ALL the bases ,by Mr. Crouere that has addressed 'The WHO is really in charge and WHO it was that placed the likes of 'Susan Rice(his prior adm.) in charge of "Shadowing Biden to KEEP HIM ON SCRIPT"(until her recent departure) It is also disclosed that Obama-Put in place in Our W.House, John Brennen(his former CIA henchman) and former A.G. Holder-Obama's partner in crime and cover ups!

What I notice, is the way that "Obama who used to Hide behind the drapes, but would come out in front of the cameras here and there, as he's a "Narcissist who can't STAND NOT being in front of cameras or hear the sound of his own voice"
When he slyly does say something that he IS DOING, like 'feeding the info to Biden, etc. he is 'Shoving it down our throats and "Kidding on The Square" with that smirk on his face.' He of course sees this as his 3rd term......

We know, they stole the 2020 FROM POTUS Trump, Just as Obama's Puppet Master, Soros said HE WOULD. It was at the WEF in 2017 in Davos, Switzerland, when Soros VOWED TO TAKE DOWN PRESIDENT TRUMP IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE- One of his ideas mentioned included:

(knowing the U.S. economy is/was POTUS Trump's #1 Accomplishments + More)

The corrupt Dem's used the "Deliberate Virus from CCP, to bring about the intended "Lockdowns and Fear to bring full circle, their "Mail in Ballot Scheme" for the 2020, JUST as Soros said he would-and now, we Know that Obama etal. want to REMOVE Biden they 'shoved into the W.H. to continue their "Takeover plans w/their Intended Choice to 'Keep Control and Power of this Republic, they continue to 'Take Down Arrogant(Obama's Own words) America that Both He and Michelle do hate in their behavior.'

By Cat on 2023 07 04

Why doesn't anyone ever mention anymore that the Resident in Office is actually not Joe Biden. I occasionally see an old photo or video of the real Joe Biden and the difference between the two is obvious. The real one had different ear lobes, detached if I remember correctly. This one, according to the photo above the article, has attached ones. That doesn't change. Shape of the forehead and speaking style are very different and he was always so tan. I wonder if some of this Biden's stories of his past are actually his own memories, which would explain why they are so bizarre and don't match the history of the real Biden. The real Biden appeared fine mentally in 2019 despite his regular gaffes. This one has never been quite with it mentally even in 2020. Why is Hunter always with him now?

By Phil Paulbeck on 2023 07 07

Biden has never mattered, he is a bumbling stand in for the evil people in power.

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