
Stand in Line: The Mexicans got here first, and they're cheaper

Mark my words: The next step in this madness is to equate the Tea Party with the insanity of ISIS ahead of 2016

Behavior as a Communist School Subject Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 21, 2015
Strict disciplinarian code enforced in communist schools

Self-inflicting Arm-twisting Alexander Maistrovoy | February 21, 2015
Obama: A deadhead for Middle Eastern rulers, a source of deep frustration in Israel. He twisted arms in his own country. Not surprising, that Putin was welcomed in Cairo

Obama Subsidizes U.S. Solar Energy and Promises to Do the Same in India Institute for Energy Research | February 20, 2015
Coal power, India, Narendra Modi, president Obama, solar power, subsidies, taxpayers protection alliance

Federal Dietary Panel Pushes Junk Food Taxes, Being Green Heritage Foundation | February 20, 2015
The agencies aren’t supposed to be developing the 2015 Guidelines based on the perspective of nutritionists on global warming and tax policy.

Here we go.

HR 923

You nailed it Guest Column | February 20, 2015

How could anything be more obvious?

Putin marches on, while Kerry blusters that they'd better stop "violations of the cease-fire".

...And it's bad news for the West.

So we need you to listen and help us make the decision.

Embrace the Future with Healing and Reconciliation

Mr. Vitter wants to know why Congress continued to give lawmakers and staff subsidies to buy insurance on the health exchanges, while average Americans were prohibited from enrolling if their employers subsidized their coverage

“I put my hand on his and said, ‘I’m sorry Rob, I can’t do your wedding because of my relationship with Jesus Christ,’"

The Church - Silent Too Long Christian Newswire | February 20, 2015
Americans must exercise their freedom of religion by speaking the message of the Bible freely and with boldness and standing for life and liberty everywhere

Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney

Education: the Silence of the Shepherds Bruce Deitrick Price | February 20, 2015
At some point, even progressive educators have to look around and say, "Wow, we really made a mess of things"

Police said Elijah had disappeared from a north-end apartment of a family member overnight

More States Push Back Against Common Core Heritage Foundation | February 20, 2015
Opposition to Common Core continues to build across the nation, driven largely by parents

MSNBC: Millions Shun Network Basket Case Jeff Crouere | February 20, 2015
The demise of MSNBC proves again that America is not a liberal nation.

No “Major Scandal” in Obama Administration? Roger Aronoff | February 20, 2015
David Axelrod: Ethics, integrity of the administration, Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, Veterans Administration, Solyndra, ObamaCare

ISIS harvesting victims’ organs for cash? Robert Laurie | February 20, 2015
Oh good, things are getting creepier.

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How Clinton Foundation donations could impact Hillary

ISIS Trafficking Human Organs? Arnold Ahlert | February 20, 2015
When depraved savagery knows no boundaries.

Calling and Raising Immigration Exploitation Dr. Brad Lyles | February 20, 2015
Judge Hanen has given us a chance we won’t likely see again. Will we take it?

Netanyahu’s true electoral rival Caroline Glick | February 20, 2015
If Netanyahu’s speech is a success, Obama’s foreign policy will be indefensible.

Living and Dying by the Sword of Jihad Raymond Ibrahim | February 20, 2015
Saudi Arabia is a chief funder and supporter of external jihads: better to send its own zealots out of its borders to fight distant infidels than have them stick around

Barack Obama Lies, Says Islam is Part of America’s Founding Warner Todd Huston | February 20, 2015
So, no, Barack, the USA is not "woven" with Islam. Islam is an enemy to the founding and runs counter to our American ideals
