
Freedom to Farm or Bust Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 6, 2015
Liberty Farm, Virginia: A determined American is fighting for her farming rights and indirectly ours against a well-funded environmental Goliath

UN Ignores PLO Central Council Praise for Intifada Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 6, 2015
Familiar pattern: Israel makes a peaceful gesture. Palestinians respond with unconditional demands, more violence. United Nations gives Palestinians the benefit of the doubt

A Three-way on the Highway to Hell Jeff Crouere | March 6, 2015
The mantra from liberal activists is that to deny marital rights to same sex couples is to engage in discrimination

Dems vow to protect Boehner from conservative coup News on the Net | March 6, 2015
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has declined to weigh in on the conservatives' discontent

New Jersey Senator has been the most vocal Democrat to point out the idiocy of the Obama plot to arm Iran with nuclear weapons!

Finding Excellence in Journalism among the jellyfish journalists of the day is a lost cause

ISIS: Outcome of a failed policy toward Iran Heshmat Alavi | March 6, 2015
Any mistake can be corrected, even in its final stages. For Mr. Obama, there is still time to correct his strategy. But the clock is ticking…

Britain’s School of Oriental and African Studies joins the Jew-hatred parade.

Netanyahu’s willingness to spearhead his nation’s allegiance to liberty should be echoed within our own chambers of government

Leadership by incompetents.

Without any missiles or ammunition.

Someone ticked off the boss.

Stop having all those black babies, Planned Parenthood's founder demanded.

Where’s the tolerance?

CTF Calls on Province to Renegotiate Pan Am Games CEO Compensation Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 6, 2015
CEO Saad Rafi set to collect gold-plated severance of $428,000 at conclusion of Games

One of Klayman’s requests pertained to waivers of sanctions against Iran

VW Golf re-in-car-nated for its new generation Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 6, 2015
The new Golf is the first Volkswagen to be built on the company's, "extremely advanced" MQB platform that's lighter and stronger than previous generations, which means better handling and less fuel consumption

Someone ticked off the boss.

Acer Chromebook lets you live in the Clouds Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 6, 2015
It's inexpensive (Acer's website lists it at $329), it's extremely portable, is built well and offers excellent multimedia features.

“From the onset, we really believed it was a poor strategy,” says Rep Matt Salmon

Obamacare, except in a very few cases, has been an unmitigated disaster--no matter how Obama, the Democrats and the media try to sell it otherwise

Life under the US umbrella Caroline Glick | March 6, 2015
Deal that Obama is now offering Iran "doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb; it paves Iran's path to the bomb."

CNN was caught lying claiming that the GOP-led efforts to defeat Obamacare will "end health care for millions."

…And that’s probably why she got one.

SYRIA: Concern Continues for Abducted Christians News on the Net | March 5, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

EPA to Regulate Methane Emissions Despite Huge Decline Institute for Energy Research | March 5, 2015
EPA, Methane emissions, natural gas, oil and gas industry

The Rise of Prosecutorial Abuses Alan Joel | March 5, 2015
The conduct of Schneiderman and Lynch is unacceptable. The fact that Schneiderman is and will remain the Attorney General for NY and Loretta Lynch may very well become the next Attorney General for the United States is disconcerting

So, will any emails with the Muslim Brotherhood be exposed? Bill is at home. He can delete those!

Iran's lousy track record in adhering to restrictions, cooperating with inspections by the IAEA, ending its support for terrorism, and ending its bellicosity towards the West-

Chicago on the Potomac Dr. Robert R. Owens | March 5, 2015
After years of being treated as if the Wisdom of the Ages were as relevant as Confucius in a fortune cookie now that we have Chicago on the Potomac the wisdom gained in the City that Works is suddenly spot-on.
