
U.S. must stand fast with Israel to assure peace Lawrence J. Haas | November 20, 2013
Israeli-Palestinian peace remains elusive because one side doesn’t seem to want it and the other doesn’t trust that it can come about

ObamaCare is Making Me Crazy Alan Caruba | November 20, 2013
Obama will continue to lie and lie and lie some more

Tribune de Geneve: Gurry's Dubious Deals With Putin, China Anger WIPO Members; Technology Transfers to Iran, North Korea Spark U.S. Outrage

Gettysburg…150 Years Later Guest Column | November 20, 2013
Today, citizens are under the authority of Union Bosses and Bureaucrats

UK art news Tim Saunders | November 20, 2013
Clare Shepherd

Dismantling Syria’s chemical weapons in the midst of war American Chemical Society | November 20, 2013
The “live” agents could be destroyed by the agreed-upon mid-2014 deadline, but neutralizing the precursor chemicals could take longer

Toward a urine test for detecting blood clots American Chemical Society | November 20, 2013
“Our results demonstrate that synthetic biomarkers can be engineered to sense vascular diseases remotely from the urine and may allow applications in point-of-care diagnostics,”

Craniofacial reconstruction

The subjects in the study rated the fluffier bread with the longest proofing time as noticeably more salty, even though each bite actually contained less salt

To unlink smart technology from the wall socket, the team had to rethink what materials are best suited for use in a flexible


Skoda Roomster Scout road test Tim Saunders | November 20, 2013
The Roomster scores highly for its versatility and ruggedness and certainly makes a very wise buy. It would be pretty exceptional if the little faults were improved, too.

Poor Countries Walk Out Of UN Climate Summit Guest Column | November 20, 2013
The Price Of Climate Hysteria; West Faces Liability Claims For Extreme Weather Disasters

How Obamacare Will Try to Control What You Eat Heritage Foundation | November 20, 2013
Obamacare’s menu labeling regulation will be costly and time-consuming for businesses and that the government has no evidence that it would have any benefits

As long as ObamaCare is the law, this is looking like a long-term entitlement cost on top of the unfunded obligations for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Unemployment statistics scandal, you'll have to get in line behind Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, and of course, ObamaCare

Or is it more plausible to believe that Obama omitted "under God" because he really just didn't want to say it?

Overcoming the Modern Tories Nelson Hultberg | November 20, 2013
National Independent Party

Dust Off the Death Panels Lance Thompson | November 20, 2013
A death panel is needed now, and ObamaCare is the patient.

The Conspiracy Theory is the Conspiracy Daniel Greenfield | November 20, 2013
Lee Harvey Oswald was the stepchild of the left's destructive ideas on society

The Persecution of Wisconsin Conservatives Arnold Ahlert | November 20, 2013
For the crime of supporting Gov. Walker, the Left demands blood.

Ayo Kimathi

Why the Communists Killed Kennedy Cliff Kincaid | November 20, 2013
Our media love Castro and his “progressive” fellow travelers more than they want the facts about the Kennedy assassination

Deadly Myth:  America The Invulnerable Toby Westerman | November 20, 2013
Our national defense must be the absolute top priority in America's expenditures, or we will simply cease to exist as an independent nation

Poland recognizes the real global warming agenda Guest Column | November 19, 2013
Decades of oppression make Poles wary of being subjugated in name of “climate protection”

“Today the ‘new birth of freedom’ means taking a stand against a tyrannical, antireligious assault at every level of government

Ford Nation

It shouldn't take raising taxes or increasing the national debt ceiling to win some battles of impeachment

The mighty Warren at bat Neil W. McCabe | November 19, 2013
The Bay State’s senior senator pulled off the ultimate liberal maneuver: accumulating great wealth by remarrying well and representing corporate interests against the disadvantaged

John Kerry: A World Class Doofus Alan Caruba | November 19, 2013
Axis of Fantasy vs. Axis of Reality
