
National Security William Bedford | October 13, 2014
We should ignore the blathering Russians and join the U.S. in its missile defence

Al Gore lays claim to having created the Internet but Barack Obama always knew best how to actually game it

As usual, leftist programming can't draw an audience.

Nothing's over until we decide it is.

He ended the war before he didn't.

Thou Art Jimmy Reed | October 13, 2014
Learning to make every word count maximizes one’s ability to articulate — to paint with words

Thanks to Obamacare, Health Costs Soared This Year Heritage Foundation | October 13, 2014
Maybe 2015 will bring better news for Obamacare. But don’t bet on it

With this technique, it was like we had a road map to guide us. We were able to repair the baby’s heart with one operation.”

UK Manufacturers Sound The Alarm Over Rising Energy Costs

Speakin’ Out: Typical Democrat tactics in Kansas Rolf Yungclas | October 13, 2014
Some other things Brownback’s opponents would just as soon Kansas voters didn’t know about

The Rise of the Islamic State: The Strategic Surprise News on the Net | October 13, 2014
The US intelligence community will likely continue to find it difficult to confront ISIS

Ferguson, Missouri, and Black Nationalism Douglas V. Gibbs | October 13, 2014
You will raise the red flag of socialism yourselves, and you will do it enthusiastically, and because you have come to believe that raising that flag of tyranny is the only way to achieve peace and safety

The Making of a Mexico-to-Canada Wolf Corridor W.R. McAfee | October 13, 2014
Part 1: Mexican wolves can devastate a ranch economically in ways not readily apparent or understood by the public

The Globe’s failure to hold Fords’ opponents to account during this mayoral election has called into question its journalistic integrity and objectivity

The Lego—Greenpeace Duel Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | October 13, 2014
No amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could counter the mini iceage. Crop failure, famine, hardship resulted. CO2 and the weather or the climate on Earth have nothing in common

Liberal Islamophiles Daniel Greenfield | October 13, 2014
This isn’t liberalism. It’s a leftist Jihad that has displaced and hijacked liberalism

Justin Trudeau reminds me of Fred Flintstone, the caveman cartoon character of the 1960s. Oafish, overly confident, and somewhat disconnected to reality

Obama is guilty of many transgressions, but he is just the tip of the spear aimed at the U. S. citizen/taxpayer.

Chicago on the Potomac Chuck Lehmann | October 12, 2014
A motley crew of radical extremists

Obama's denials are a matter of Public Record

Losing Keys May be a Stomach, not a Brain Problem W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | October 12, 2014
Those who are confused, forgetful, depressed, concerned they can’t find their keys and worried they may be developing Alzheimers’s Disease, the cure may lie in the stomach, not in the head.

Obama and Kerry dealing with the Kurds Dag Barkley | October 12, 2014

Felonious Government Michael Oberndorf, RPA | October 12, 2014
The coming election, flawed though it may be, is crucial to our future as a free and independent, constitutional, capitalist republic

The Oprah-rization of America Lloyd Marcus | October 12, 2014
Our new wimpy America

Frieden said the preliminary test indicates the levels of the virus are low in the nurse's system

An Executive’s Guide To Today’s Under-Educated Employees Bruce Deitrick Price | October 12, 2014
The simplest solution to the mediocrity of our public schools is to put education back in people’s lives. Talk it up

Canada’s Vote planned on combat mission? Guest Column | October 12, 2014
The Christian, free nations of the world are now once again fighting for survival

First We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin Judi McLeod | October 12, 2014
Midterm Theme Song:

A Supreme Court, Not Supreme Wisdom Alan Caruba | October 12, 2014
The Constitution remains supreme above the office of President and, in great measure, we can thank the work of Chief Justice John Marshall

So much for Murrieta being the Gem of the Valley Douglas V. Gibbs | October 12, 2014
How unlawful are the minions of the elitist ruling leadership in Murrieta willing to go to stop conservative candidates like Ingram and Serafin?
