
Video: Clapper memo: A slap in the face to Obama News on the Net | October 2, 2014
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper praises analysts in memo for bringing attention to ISIS for the past two years. Plus, Netanyahu, Obama have contentious meeting

Radio host questions what the president really knew about the group

The World’s 10 Biggest Energy Gluttons Oilprice.com | October 2, 2014
While some of the guilty parties are obvious, others may surprise you.

Kim Jong-un: A sick leader for a sick nation William Bedford | October 2, 2014
The real problem in North Korea

The current regional turbulence should be the reference point for renewed attempts to initiate discussion of a regional security architecture for the Middle East

Waters later questions revealed their true opinion on how ISIS should be treated.

President Obama said he will announce executive action on immigration after the November midterm elections.

Regulator cites “significant concerns” and “serious doubts” about safety of drugs imported by Toronto-based company, but no recall has been issued.

Is Ferguson, MO About to Explode Again? John Lillpop | October 2, 2014
Tinderbox in Ferguson has been stoked by reckless and irresponsible behavior on the part of Eric Holder and Al Sharpton whom decided in August that Wilson was guilty

“The global warming hiatus is real. A failure to recognize the scientific evidence may prove costly for Canada and other countries around the world.”

Road test: Kia Sorento Tim Saunders | October 1, 2014
Equally at home on the motorway or pottering around the town it shines when off-roading

Claire Wiltsher from Hampshire

These changes increase the likelihood that private-school students and home-schooled students will have to follow the Common Core regime

Julia Pierson resigns as Secret Service director Dan Calabrese | October 1, 2014
Under the bus.

WyLiberty Arguments End Political Inquisition in Texas News on the Net | October 1, 2014
"The case is finally over, and today's ruling vindicates Tom DeLay entirely

Court Sides With SAF On Key Points In Challenge of Chicago Gun Range Law Second Amendment Foundation | October 1, 2014
Chicago police officials “admitted that they had no data or empirical evidence that any criminal impact would occur due to the presence of a firing range, or that it would be lessened by placing ranges in manufacturing districts

A Climate Depot Rebuttal

Fall Festival for Gardeners Wes Porter | October 1, 2014
October gardening: Black thumbs

It’s no secret any longer Sarge | October 1, 2014
White House integrity was violated because an employee with some kind of stature didn’t like the alarm’s volume and the stridency of its tone

Travel feature: London Tim Saunders | October 1, 2014
This trip has opened our eyes to all that London offers but we will have to return because so much to do and so little time.

A T-shirt that monitors your heart Guest Column | October 1, 2014
Smart-digital hWear shirt has conductive fibers woven in, performing the job of an ECG machine and transmitting vitals to your doctor’s smartphone.

A $10,000 childcare deduction is the least-worst way to do income splitting Canadian Taxpayers Federation | October 1, 2014
So the top priority for the Harper Conservatives is simple: they need reverse some of the damage done to Canada’s balance sheet on their watch

National Life Chain Sunday 2014—October 5 Christian Newswire | October 1, 2014
Only He can end the abortion holocaust now ravaging America and Canada

Fur Hats Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | October 1, 2014

5 Policies That Would Make Gas Cheaper Heritage Foundation | October 1, 2014
Where your gas money goes

Despite the Obama administration’s longstanding frustration regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, it will likely seek in the coming months to restart the talks between the sides

Global Warming Pause Comes Of Age

State Dept. Rejects Netanyahu’s Mideast Diagnosis Arnold Ahlert | October 1, 2014
The administration throws the Israeli prime minister under the bus.

Introduction to an investigative series
