
That's what we whisper about.

By the way, the FCC's Internet power grab is a bigger deal than executive amnesty.


“It should not take criminal charges or convictions to prove Mr. Lougheed Jr. fell below that standard

Recycles same claims from 2014, 1990, 1979, 1922 & 1901! – Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal

What’s Up with Prices at the Pump? Marita Noon | March 2, 2015
The U.S. is the number one global exporter of refined petroleum products. Saudi Arabia aims to capture some of that market share to become number two

The poverty of your soul Sarge | March 2, 2015
I say to Hell with those who stray and set themselves up for their spiritual and political suicide by following false prophets seeking great profits.

Israel’s goal, which at this stage is apparently the goal of Hizbollah and Iran as well, is to conduct the struggle for influence without being dragged into a war

The dog was reacting to being told off for eating roommate's food

Obama: Nuke deal with Iran going, John? Dag Barkley | March 2, 2015
A few expected bumps... But, as well as expected.

Saddled with the Fundamental Transformation of America!

Do You Want a Shock?  High Cholesterol for a Longer Life? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | March 2, 2015
Reports that disagree with the current high cholesterol condemnation never get published nor make headlines.

The ‘Stupidity’ Videos

Vatican Officials Threatening to sue Bloggers News on the Net | March 2, 2015
In this wide-ranging interview, His Eminence talked about issues ripped from the news

Obama’s Empowerment of Islam Douglas V. Gibbs | March 2, 2015
Obama is careful about using the Islamic label because he wishes to either appease them, or support them, in their bloody endeavors

Obama Negotiates Israel’s Destruction Alan Caruba | March 2, 2015
If history is any guide, these negotiations will put the world on the path to a cataclysm that defies the imagination

On ’Way Fum Up In ’Roun Behine Jimmy Reed | March 2, 2015
Will Rogers: “Nobody is stupider than educated folks when you get them off the thing they’re educated in”

Obama is willing to use military force...against one of America's allies, in the defense of a maniacal group of radical Islamic mullahs

Heroes: Thomas Sowell, Star Parker, Roy Innis

Stroke Update: What’s Missing will Cost Lives W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | March 1, 2015
Studies show that high doses of vitamin C act like Drano to keep arteries open

Obama’s Threat of War Against Israel Douglas V. Gibbs | March 1, 2015
Susan Rice, described "timing and partisan manner" of Netanyahu's visit as "destructive" for the U.S.-Israeli relationship - as if threatening to shoot down Israeli jet isn't

Train of Thought Tabitha Korol | March 1, 2015
There will always be those who find something offensive somewhere, particularly when it comes to the Holocaust and persons who would deny its very occurrence

Exceptional Romanians and Their Amazing Country Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 1, 2015
Seldom mentioned facts about Romania

Support Canada Free Press


Climatist Jihad? Paul Driessen | March 1, 2015
Climate Crisis extremists attack experts who challenge claims of imminent climate Armageddon

AFA’s anti-Christian-bigotry map Matt Barber | March 1, 2015
Thankfully, the SPLC, the HRC and hundreds more of these anti-Christian organizations are now being called out and held accountable

Murder in Moscow William Bedford | March 1, 2015
Boris Nemtsov

I want my country back John Porter | March 1, 2015
The real power is in the people. We MUST start acting like it, rise to our feet, stand tall, and meet our responsibility and duty

No it’s Israel Anti-Apartheid Week-whatever it is…it’s 52 weeks a year

The Death of Leonard Nimoy Guest Column | March 1, 2015
"You lived long and prospered Leonard Nimoy" The universe will never forget you.
