
Facts of entomology did not interfere with the mythmakers

Talking Heads never get ‘Who Loves ‘Ya’ Judi McLeod | March 1, 2015
There is no doubt that Obama’s posture on America has nothing to do with love, and even less with patriotism.

Green Slander Alan Caruba | March 1, 2015
Greatest threat is the scores of environmental organizations that have been exaggerating and distorting their alleged “science” in order to thwart development here and around the world that would enhance everyone’s life

Well said, Senator Cornyn, especially the reference to “radical Islam”!

Right-To-Work on the Rise (and Why) Arthur Christopher Schaper | March 1, 2015
Workplace Fairness and Equity is advancing in the United States

Murder Incorporated in the Kremlin Toby Westerman | March 1, 2015
A few hours before his murder, Nemtsov gave a radio interview in which he denounced Vladimir Putin's "mad, aggressive" policies

Obama’s True Enemy Douglas V. Gibbs | March 1, 2015
Obama's true enemy is anyone who dares to oppose him

Only about 4% of global energy is sustainable

Our Crucial Choice of the War on Terror Daniel Greenfield | February 28, 2015
When we treat the War on Terror like the War on Drugs or the War on Poverty, then we accept the impossibility of winning. Instead we adapt to a European mindset of managing the fallout from the latest batch of attacks.


Shooting death of former Russian Deputy Prime Minister and leading opposition politician Boris Nemtsov

Islamic terrorism: Labelled as extremism, a meaningless term for an administration engaged in a meaningless response to Islamic terrorism

Obama’s Little Shop of Horrors! Leigh Bravo | February 27, 2015
Obama continues to feed on America's freedoms everyday, taking more and more, never satisfied

First Day at CPAC 2015 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 27, 2015
Departing from the usual CPAC speeches, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey was interviewed on stage by conservative talk-show host Laura Ingraham who asked him pointed questions.

Equatorial Glaciers?—Yeah! Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | February 27, 2015
Now you know what drives the climate on earth. It is not CO2. It is the water cycle. Worldwide, the energy flux between solid or liquid water and its vapor is gigantic.

Lexus RC 350 ‘F-spires’ to sportiness Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 27, 2015
It's hard not to like the RC 350. It offers a lot of comfort and technology, and it'll probably be discovered by alien archaeologists in about a thousand years, still running

Ford gives its innovative F-150 an icy reception in Quebec Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | February 27, 2015
Ford's F-150 is available in a dizzying number of versions, starting with the lowest end XL regular cab 4x2 ($21,399) to the top line Platinum Super Crew 4x4 ($66,999)

Tell us something we don't know.

“If you want to live the American dream, we’re going to make it as easy as possible to do.”

Ultimately we the people still wield the power.

'Potential criminal activity'

Rise of ISIS, myriad terror offshoots can be traced to the collapse of Arab countries' governments during the Arab Spring that Obama and Hillary Clinton supported wholeheartedly

Government Takeover of the Internet Begins Arnold Ahlert | February 27, 2015
Net Neutrality heads for an uncertain future in the courts.

A Letter to the Senate Alan Joel | February 27, 2015
The nomination of Loretta Lynch to the position of Attorney General and Civil Asset Forfeiture

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Why did the Liar-in-Chief call on Americans and Christians to exercise “humility” and “doubt”?

Conservatives and “Gaffes” Bruce Walker | February 27, 2015
Put the leftist media on the defensive, embarrass the leftist media into something approaching even handedness

The Emperor Knows He Has No Clothes Diane Weber Bederman | February 27, 2015
The Leader of the Free World has come to see that he has no clothes and realizes that the leader of the Jewish people is the one to stand up and point.

CPAC runs through Saturday at the Gaylord National Convention Center, just outside of Washington, D.C.

Recovery of Polar Bear Populations Continues Apace

Jeb Bush apparently shares Barack Obama’s racist view that Hispanics should be exempt from the rule of law when it comes to immigration!
