
Who are they kidding? If anyone wears the pants in the Clinton family, it’s Hillary.

When are Americans going to realize that the Islamists do not need any provocation? When are we going to start acting like we are at war? A good first step would be to stop inviting Muslims to immigrate to America.

Perhaps the problem is too many auditors, reviewers and assessors chasing too few programs

Gentilly mom charged in teenager's stabbing death

From Freedom to Bondage Douglas V. Gibbs | May 11, 2015
If we abandon Godliness, we will surely abandon liberty, for without morality, we are incapable of freedom

Two cops murdered in Mississippi traffic stop Dan Calabrese | May 11, 2015
National media ignores story since it doesn't fit racist police brutality narrative.

Jeh Johnson is emblematic of the insanity and complete idiocy of the Obama p-residency

Why is the U.S. downplaying or denying attacks against Christians?

The left promises us collective security through civil rights while taking away our freedom.

NSA telephone metadata program

More lawlessness from the IRS Herman Cain | May 11, 2015
Almost 1,600 of their employees willfully failed to pay taxes, and many kept their jobs anyway.

Report: Obama lied about bin Laden raid News on the Net | May 11, 2015
“This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following,

Only argument against the tyranny of radical Islamic terrorism comes not from the Obama administration but from a handful of brave citizens and the careful aim of police

Iran Shipping Sanctions Run Aground? Claudia Rosett | May 10, 2015
Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, preacher of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," is increasingly reintegrating its main cargo fleet into the world's shipping traffic

The Iceman Cometh? Paul Driessen | May 10, 2015
Could a quiescent sun portend a new little ice age: a chilly era for humanity and agriculture?

Lumber Liquidators said last week that it has spent $2.3 million on its air-quality assurance program

“Separation of church and state” talking points

The Limits of Saudi-Israeli Convergence

Milquetoast GOP’ers Guest Column | May 10, 2015

Choudary is an excellent spokesperson for radical Islam that poses a threat to the free world by their insistence of creating a worldwide caliphate. With weak world leaders like Obama, they may someday get their wish

Either you lied then or you're lying now...It can't be both! If it works it can...

Idiot! I'm talking about mimicking his charm and calm demeanor!

Bonnie and Clyde—The Clintons’ Scandals Obie Usategui | May 10, 2015
Economic and political prowess necessary to buy themselves their safe-passages within the corrupted system

How Can So Many World Leaders Be So Wrong? Alan Caruba | May 10, 2015
Global warming/climate change hoax

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Much more of China's military procurements are taking place entirely within the nation

Manhunt captures one of two gunmen after they fled in patrol car

Answers still Bloviatin’ in the Wind Joanna Rosamond | May 9, 2015
It’s time to show the true colors of the American flag: white for purity and innocence, red for hardiness and valour and blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice

Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | May 9, 2015
Upcoming Encyclical on Climate Change

Loggers, electricity producers and developers are all cited as threats to endangered species

ObamaCare broke something that was working Guest Column | May 9, 2015
A behemoth of a government program that hurts doctors, hospitals, health clinics, employers and people
