
Carbon Tax Advocates Dis-inform, Deceive Roland Seguin | December 8, 2014
We end users of energy products pay all of it, our food via transportation costs, fueling up at the pumps, heating our homes, airline tickets, etc...

Obama’s sore throat due to acid reflux Dag Barkley | December 8, 2014
There's a cure for that.... Stop spewing so many lies

Damned with faint praise.

CTF Condemns Corporate Welfare for Pratt & Whitney Canadian Taxpayers Federation | December 8, 2014
“We’ve seen this movie before, and the ending is always the same: taxpayers pay through the nose and a profitable private company is laughing all the way to the bank

Save America!

If thine eye offend thee… Klaus Rohrich | December 8, 2014
It’s high time Americans regained their vision so they can see and stop the damage

A Christmas Story for the Old South Gail Jarvis | December 8, 2014
The Golden Christmas

Outdoor Jackets and PFCs Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | December 8, 2014
As far as I can see, any exudations of PFCs come solely from the minds of GP activists and not from outdoor jackets

A union operative knew about the government’s lawsuit before the Papa John’s pizza franchisee did.

CBC Engulfed in New Payola Scandal Mitch Wolfe | December 8, 2014
Unless this cancer is rooted out, surgically removed, preferably by an outside and effective government inquiry, this cancer will continue to metastasize, ultimately, destroy from within the whole of CBC

“Business owners tell us the main reasons for currently not offering a pension plan are high costs and administrative complexities,”

The continued devaluation of the lives of people with disabilities and people with chronic and other vulnerable conditions.

Nice try.

"This will force Christians into situations that lack common sense. A physically superior male athlete in basketball, for example, will potentially take playing time away from a female

Just in case.

Pretty please?

Make-Believe Indian Lady and Swillary the Benghazi Lie Lady

It is time to speak out, because if we don’t, there will be no one left to speak for us.

Eagles or Buzzards? Sarge | December 8, 2014
Is a Turkey Buzzard soaring in circles, wings outstretched in a regal display of over-arching masquerade ready to pick the American people’s bones clean when the body finally, from exhaustion ceases movement?

Green Blob's Annual Ritual Hits Rift Over Pledges, Climate $Trillions

Baking Soda Life Hacks (CLH Vol. 4) American Chemical Society | December 8, 2014
There’s probably a box of it in your fridge or cupboard, and it has a million uses: baking soda.

When Obama took office, there 730 investigators in the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division. Today, there are more than 1,000.

Protesting Law and Order Alan Caruba | December 8, 2014
I worry that too many Americans fail to respect the police who put their lives on the line to protect them. They are not the enemy. The criminals are.

'Fox News Sunday' exclusive with talk show titan

Fat Class Warfare Daniel Greenfield | December 8, 2014
Social medicine politicizes food consumption and a globalized economy politicizes food production. And the politicized American plate has less on it and at a higher price. While the left obsessively pursues its mission of destroying fast food in the

Meet Colleen Bell: Unqualified in every way, but appointed nonetheless.

Does anyone remember facts?

Recent claims at the CBC that Canada has become a meaner nation towards refugees and immigration simply don't pass basic fact-checking

The South Rises Again, Sans Mary Landrieu! John Lillpop | December 7, 2014
The Deep South rises again---just in time for the 2nd Civil War?

Pearl Harbor Reunion, 2014 Douglas V. Gibbs | December 7, 2014
The Greatest Generation
