
What’s Wrong with the Right Guest Column | April 18, 2014
We need a fierce offensive under a banner of individual rights and morality

Obama’s thug administration Klaus Rohrich | April 18, 2014
Obama’s administration most criminally corrupt administration in this nation’s vaunted history

The disappearance of America’s will Caroline Glick | April 18, 2014
Americans pretending that failure is success and defeat is victory, while turning their backs on the growing storm, how will America protect itself?

CBS, NBC, ABC News? Nah. Left wing comedians. They're tough.

Are Climate Change Mitigation Policies a Form of Insurance? Institute for Energy Research | April 17, 2014
Cap and trade, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon tax, climate change, IPCC

EGYPT: Christian Woman Brutally Attacked and Killed News on the Net | April 17, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Meanwhile now that Obama and friends have rewritten the Constitution, they’re ready to have a go at the Bible

Christianity in Troubled Times Alan Caruba | April 17, 2014
Campaign against the free practice of religion and respect for individual religious values has been in place since the election of President Obama

Not that they'll believe it.


The fact that NATO has survived the end of the Cold War and has been an important element in addressing Western security concerns, doesn’t mean that it will remain so.

The Vile Viburnum Leaf Beetle Wes Porter | April 17, 2014
April gardening: Viburnums, both as native and introduced ornamentals, are highly valued in the garden

A look at the countries getting loans shows that they’re not all America’s biggest fans: They include Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and China

Claims he's on the fast track to acceptance into Heaven. No, really.

Far greater caution was warranted in the media before linking these two topics

Ultimate arbiter of every facet of our existence

Magnolia mischief mars McDaniel v. Cochrane primary Neil W. McCabe | April 17, 2014
Magnolia State: State Sen. Christopher B. McDaniel looks to take down incumbent Sen. W. Thad Cochran in the GOP primary

Awaiting America’s Camlann John Thompson | April 17, 2014
This is the time for the leadership or practicality of the Founding Fathers or Lincoln, or that of Reagan, but there is little sign of it now

Russia Calls UN Human Rights Report on Ukraine Biased While Continuing its Aggression Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | April 17, 2014
Russia: A “fire-setting firefighter” engaging in its own “virtual reality”

100 years on from the First World War: lessons to learn and future of Europe

The western world is committing suicide as it loses confidence in its own cultural, familial, political and economic founding principles

Republicans Wimping-Out On Repeal Of ObamaCare? J.D. Longstreet | April 17, 2014
ObamaCare is a Marxist/socialist/statist policy and I hate it.

The IRS Scandal Blows Wide Open Arnold Ahlert | April 17, 2014
Unearthed emails reveal Lois Lerner conspired with DOJ to criminally prosecute “political” groups.

Church hierarchy is irritated by the pilgrimages to Israel

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The tragedy of Venezuela Dan Calabrese | April 17, 2014
Where leftist dreams have all come true.

You bring an AK-47 to wave around, I'll bring a flag to burn!

"I know that I do not know."

Don't worry, Harry. Mitt paid his taxes!

President Obama and the Democrats have destroyed the best health care system in the world

Elijah Cummings: Obstruction of Justice Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 17, 2014
Cummings knee-deep in the IRS targeting
