
Stupefying Generations of Americans Alan Caruba | May 19, 2015
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children

“It’s hard enough dealing with international businesses,” Moorhatch said. “We thought that because it was a government service the government would help.”

Ferguson Rent-A-Mobs Exposed Matthew Vadum | May 19, 2015
Money from George Soros and others fuels the racist, anti-cop violence.

No interest in rewarding ICANN for its shakedown scheme

UN Negotiating Text for Climate Agreement Opens Up Gravy Train Institute for Energy Research | May 19, 2015
Climate change, Obama, Paris, UN

SAF Wins Preliminary Injunction In Challenge To New DC Gun Law Second Amendment Foundation | May 19, 2015
“It stinks, and always did stink, and now everybody knows it,”

Another statement from Clinton’s office said she only used one address during her time as secretary of state.

The mother said that was when she knew her boy “was a girl who had a penis.” Apparently the boy told his parents that he had a “girl’s heart and a girl’s brain.”

Burglars use drone helicopters to target homes News on the Net | May 18, 2015
Police warn thieves are piloting the mini-helicopters carry out surveillance on homes to burgle

Increase in crimes and “Project” Wars News on the Net | May 18, 2015
Battle Cat- New Voice of Black Reason!

Clear Communication is EVERYTHING Judi McLeod | May 18, 2015
Messaging the Vatican:

Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence

CBC provides new definition for balanced reporting Diane Weber Bederman | May 18, 2015
There was a time when we counted on the media to hold the government to account. Not anymore. We citizens are obligated to hold our media, especially publicly funded media, to account if we are going to protect our hard won Western values

Politics before truth! How do you think I got this job?

Jobs classified as ‘religious functionaries’ at lower end of civil service scale

Unions pour millions into Clinton Foundation News on the Net | May 18, 2015
"As Mrs. Clinton became closer to her current run for president, donations amounts appear to have increased."

Unilateral disarmament.

Clinton has refused to submit to an on-the-record closed door interview with the committee and has agreed to testify before the panel publicly only once.

Repealing the USDA catfish inspection program should be a no-brainer

'The points she just made are demonstrably not true’

At sea, tensions are already apparent.

Obama will Support Palestinian State at the UN Liberty Counsel | May 18, 2015
"President Obama is playing with fire and he is dragging every American citizen with him into the pit of Hell,"

A chip off the old crook.

“This battle isn’t about guns. This is about freedom, and that’s not for sale at any price.”

Our crumbling infrastructure Guest Column | May 18, 2015
A plan for funding repairs and maintenance into the future should be required for all expansion of any kind.

Well played, WaPo.

Cutting and running?

With 1.2 billion people still living without access to modern energy services and 2.8 billion without access to clean cooking methods, action to support these goals is needed urgently.

“Take away energy, take away freedom.”

Police spokesman Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said authorities are still investigating and aren’t sure yet whether additional charges, such as murder or attempted murder, will come.
