
Ceiling Debate-Debacle (Don’t Bother) Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 11, 2014
Perhaps Boehner and his conservative colleagues should not even bother dealing on the debt ceiling ever again

Hypocritical UN Committee Maligns the Catholic Church Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | February 11, 2014
United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, is in no position to tell the Catholic Church to change or reinterpret Canon Law and Scripture to suit the Committee’s biased political agenda

GOP Will Bring Amnesty Back After Election J.D. Longstreet | February 11, 2014
Conservatives are preparing to bolt the party and wipe the dust of the GOP off their feet on the way out

The Wound Badge Dick Field | February 11, 2014
Humorous story of how I came to own a German Wound badge, given to me by a wounded German Wehrmacht soldier

Not a Smidgen of Corruption at the IRS? Roger Aronoff | February 11, 2014
Ongoing IRS corruption and cover-up is a serious Obama administration scandal

Obama's newest fiat decision to alter a law without congressional action--employers with 100 workers or less won't have to provide insurance to workers until 2016

Regulations Growing Like Topsy Jack Dini | February 11, 2014
Washington red tape cost $1.8 trillion

Not intimidated

Termitic State Dr. Brad Lyles | February 11, 2014
The Administrative State is in truth a Termitic State -- a force relentlessly eating away at the foundations of our society

Arab land claims; are they valid? Moshe Dann | February 11, 2014
Disputed lands which Arabs have recently claimed in places like Ofra/ Amona, Migron and Ulpana were deemed abandoned and ownerless.

Northeast Switched from Natural Gas to Oil Due to Lack of Infrastructure Institute for Energy Research | February 10, 2014
Natural gas, New England, Northeast, oil, Power Plants

"We demand further investigation of the effort to destroy documents about the bin Laden raid.”

Solar Energy Storage – A Gift from Gaia Viv Forbes | February 10, 2014
For millions of years Earth has use photosynthesis to store solar energy

The Unheralded Return of Michelle, The Activist Judi McLeod | February 10, 2014
The real Michelle Obama is an ideologue just like hubby

Ontarians deserve better service from Hydro One

Losing Liberty John Porter | February 10, 2014
The deep dark cavern of slavery to the government

Republican Leaders Fight Back Against IRS Power Grab Matthew Vadum | February 10, 2014
Investigators still haven’t interviewed many conservative groups that were denied tax-exempt status

The full weight of the law should come down on this creep’s head

AIPAC and Iran’s war against America Caroline Glick | February 10, 2014
Dire threat Iran’s nuclear weapons program constitutes for the security of the United States of America

Let’s return our nation to a first-world land where rule of law, rather than racial electoral politics, reigns supreme!

Look behind the Iran warships headed to U.S. borders Doug Hagmann | February 10, 2014
Make no mistake, the Iranian ships are pieces on this board and under Putin's control

Tyranny and dictatorships require a population that has been indoctrinated with the ideologies of its rulers

‘Fab Four's World Tour’ Package

Global warming was never based on real science. It was conjured up using dubious computer models

Lessons learned.

You would think that, at some point, we'd run out of "you can't make this stuff up" moments.

Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up Marita Noon | February 10, 2014
Key domestic species that should be preserved, protected and recovered would be better served by targeted legislative changes that can truly benefit species and people

Iran threatens to sink U.S. warship Dan Calabrese | February 10, 2014

Reflections on Black History Month Herman Cain | February 10, 2014

Protect the Grid Now Frank Gaffney Jr. | February 10, 2014
The technology is available, the costs are affordable. Indeed, the costs of inaction are unsupportable.
