
Flying South for Spring Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 26, 2014
Breathed the fresh air of temporary freedom before returning to the stifling and suffocating alien world of the northeast that crushes the American spirit for financial gain, power, and glory

David Cameron’s Christian Nation David C. Jennings | April 26, 2014
Cameron's party is hemorrhaging support not just from the usual swing voters but from his Christian oriented base who are deciding if the more libertarian UKIP are a better bet to represent their positions

Those who decreased coffee consumption by more than cup had a 17 percent higher risk of type 2 diabetes.”

U.S. Oil Reserves Reach Former Highs; Natural Gas Reserves Fall Slightly Institute for Energy Research | April 25, 2014
Natural gas, natural gas reserves, oil, oil reserves

Jodi Arias vs. Kermit Gosnell Heritage Foundation | April 25, 2014
You’ve Probably Heard of One, Why Not the Other?

Concrete measures to ensure that Canadian aid dollars do not end up in terrorist coffers

Leader of the free world? Sarge | April 25, 2014
A whack-job of the highest order

Conservatives need to choose their causes, and their heroes, more carefully.

...And he's right. ...sort of.


CTF Renews Call for 2015 Referendum on Abolishing the Senate Canadian Taxpayers Federation | April 25, 2014
There’s no place for the Senate in its current form in a modern democracy

The affirmative action presidency Klaus Rohrich | April 25, 2014
Obama can do anything he damn well pleases because he is an “African American,” which means that as a member of an “oppressed minority” he’s given lots of slack

The Khomeinist Dome: Iran’s Larger Nuclear Strategy Dr. Walid Phares | April 25, 2014
The greater dome strategy includes missiles, anti-aircraft systems, geopolitical space and terrorism

American Politicians;  Political Cowards! Robert L. Rosebrock | April 25, 2014
Why have our Military Veterans become the most despised, neglected and abused "minority group" in the United States of America?

It’s time to stop politicizing and start building.

Obama is set on slaying demon Alberta oil Bogdan Kipling | April 25, 2014
Keystone XL pipeline, Alberta Oil Sands, Obama's War on Oil

Time for consequences Caroline Glick | April 25, 2014
These phony peaceniks' preference for Jew-killers over international law comes with a prohibitive price tag. Jews are murdered, war criminals are embraced, and the rule of law is rent asunder

Putin is entering a claim that Moscow is the Godly City of today and command post of the counter-reformation against the new paganism

Media Accused of Hollywood Sex Ring Cover-up Cliff Kincaid | April 25, 2014
Charges concerning a Hollywood pedophile ring, suggests that it has been extremely difficult, especially for victims, to tell the truth about homosexual media power in the United States

NYTimes And The Deceptive-Edit Of The Day Bob Parks | April 25, 2014
Many progressives have run with the Cliven Bundy-is-a-racist chant while conservatives and Republicans have thrown him under the bus

Hero investigators Kim Anklin and Bob Rahn of Management Resources LTD of NY

Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment Institute for Energy Research | April 24, 2014
Federal lands, natural gas, Obama Administration, oil

The Ukrainian Crisis: Is It Over? INSS | April 24, 2014
It is reasonable to assume that Russia will not accept the status quo for long

SOMALIA: Young Christian Woman Murdered News on the Net | April 24, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

European Union: lunatics at the wheel News on the Net | April 24, 2014
Like biofuels, biomass is a “green” lunacy which helps destroy the planet instead of saving it

Congress passed FATCA in 2010 to make it harder for Americans with foreign accounts to illegally evade U.S. taxes

A Lesson in Liberal/Democratic Party Hypocrisy Lloyd Marcus | April 24, 2014
Democrats' high-tech raping of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Condoleezza Rice, and others

Castro Tyranny

Taxpayer subsidies need to be retargeted to assist the most vulnerable Americans without creating an ever-expanding web of political dependency

As the champion of abortion, including partial birth abortion, how long was it before Obama would begin paving the way for incinerating aborted babies to generate electricity in industrialized nations?
