
Intense flaring Erupts at Chevron Richmond Refinery as Power Failure Hits Facility

Problems for alarmists

Smart goats

In a virtual news conference, commissioners from the citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic present their final report.

AOC encouraged activists to keep pressuring Democratic lawmakers to support a cease-fire

Rescue team pulls them all to safety through pipe built through the rubble-- Rescuers digging by hand in painstaking effort using 'rat-hole' technique

Oh, To Have Just One Day Dr. Bruce Smith | November 28, 2023
We’ve just passed Thanksgiving week. We try to remember to be thankful on that day, and with luck, we’ll remember to be thankful every week of the year. So far, so good

Colleges: Institutions Of Lower Learning Milt Harris | November 28, 2023
The decay of American culture: From the moral decomposition that is sweeping through the nation, to the collapse of education on all levels. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but so is a heart and a soul

FRANCIS FATIGUE: Even Argentina’s Had Enough Michael J. Matt | November 28, 2023
Is the Francis Revolution finally coming to an end?

"Hopefully we can design a molecule to specifically target the mutant, since that's a special structure not existing in the normal tissue"

These numbers are astounding. "Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973%

As usual, Premier Smith turns the tables on the hapless Notley

This is further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and that it makes people irrational

This takes away sovereignty from countries & gives the EU commission the authority to demand “mandatory migrant relocation quotas” per country. Citizens had no choice

"After your leader's performance last week where he jumped to accusations of terrorism... after the vote of your party to fail to support Ukraine..." she answers

I would wager any cellular service has a high chance of the government spying on us

Where did all your tears go, Ocasio Cortez? Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have treated 400 women and children, some as young as 11 for being r*ped on their way to the U.S.

Economist and Columbia University professor Dr. Sachs weighs in America's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic

Measuring Ontario’s Prosperity Gap at The Metropolitan Area Level

Chutkan Will Not Allow Access to These Lost Documents!

Free enterprise capitalism not destructive Marxism/Socialism

'World needs American farmers and ranchers more than the UN,' GOP chairman of the House Agriculture Committee tells Fox News Digital

He is truly "The Political Pope"

The civilized World should NEVER forget that Community Activist Barack Obama is more than willing to destroy America to hold onto Raw Power

Judge ignores evidence of lockdown harms when justifying Charter violations Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms | November 27, 2023
“The court has deliberately ignored the abundant evidence of lockdown harms that was put before the court and, therefore, has no rational basis for affirming the government’s severe and prolonged violations of Charter rights and freedoms”

He makes some reasonable points, including the fact the Supreme Court and Federal Court has already ruled against Justin Trudeau’s illegal federal overreach on provincial jurisdiction

Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, warns of the severe threats to our freedom and privacy posed by digital ID

Is he being an intellectual bully or are these reporters treating him differently than the members of the other parties?

Mom I’ll save you! News on the Net | November 27, 2023
He's a superhero doggy
