
Thanks but no Thanks to Another Bush Elvira Fernandez Hasty | February 4, 2014
"We the People" politely decline this offer

Kerry’s Israeli supporters Caroline Glick | February 4, 2014
Destroying the Zionist underpinning of the Jewish state is not a byproduct of the two-state model. It is the purpose of the two-state model.

Study blows up perceptions of idealistic European living embraced by the American Left

Groundhog Day for Islam Daniel Greenfield | February 4, 2014
Islamic oppression and terror is the ancient ceremony of death

Prepare for what? Doug Hagmann | February 3, 2014
What was that all about? Prepare for what?

The caves have been drawing people from not only around New Zealand, but also around the world

Fox News Makes Up for State of the Union Disaster Judi McLeod | February 3, 2014
Bloviating with ‘O-Blame-A’:

The Sierra Club Hates Energy Alan Caruba | February 3, 2014
Sierra Club is lying when it says Getting all of the energy we need without using fossil fuels is no longer a question of whether we can—but whether we will

Green Energy -Not Fit for Purpose Viv Forbes | February 3, 2014
All of this explains why Green Germany is now using more coal than it did in 2009 and its power supply is more expensive and less reliable.

Maryland Mall Shooter was a Pothead Cliff Kincaid | February 3, 2014
Darion Aguilar: "harmless” young man would turn into a psychotic monster

Election results in Costa Rica Jay Brodell | February 3, 2014
Communist Jose María Villalta Florez-Estrada finished third with 17%

Syria isn't the only Muslim nation whose terrorist groups are recruiting women


Cowardice or agenda. Take your pick.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets New Record Guest Column | February 3, 2014
Will Climate Alarmism Lead To A New Scientific Dark Age?

Camouflage is his favorite color Sarge | February 3, 2014
Barack Obama

While Obama Resets, Putin Rearms Frank Gaffney Jr. | February 3, 2014
Ballistic Missile Defense, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Nuclear Deterrence

Surprise, Mom: I'm Against Abortion

Obama’s Trickle–Down Lawlessness Michael R. Shannon | February 3, 2014
The newest member of Obama, Holder & Herring; the law firm that specializes in picking and choosing which laws to follow and which laws to enforce.

Obama’s SOTU: Where are the opportunities? Marita Noon | February 3, 2014
True, climate change is a fact—the climate changes, always has, always will

Radical Islam, a threat endangering Russia’s security and objectives

How Do You Know If You Are Possessed By Demons? Father Paul Nicholson | February 3, 2014
Homily for February 3, 2014

The Mainstream Media’s Unbiased Bias J.D. Longstreet | February 3, 2014
During the past two election cycles in the United States the News Media dropped all pretense of being unbiased

C’mon, Obama, Join the Energy Boom Heritage Foundation | February 3, 2014
Producing and refining oil here at home are good news for Americans

Politicians who cannot stop spending—an example Arthur Weinreb | February 3, 2014
Councillor Adam Vaughan: Rob Ford Derangement Syndrome

Why Socialism is a Pseudoscience Kelly O'Connell | February 3, 2014
It's Time to Admit: Marxism is a Fairytale -- ObamaCare be Damned!

Divided We Stand: A Traditionalist Manifesto Selwyn Duke | February 3, 2014
If we’re sheep and not soldiers, compromisers and not crusaders, Western civilization’s days will be behind us — and in front, perhaps, a thousand years of darkness

The peace process and the fear factor Barry Shaw | February 3, 2014
Israeli government ministers would be better advised to provide the necessary budget to fight delegitimization, rather than run around making unseemly public noises out of fear

Warped view of history originates from Marxism

Conservatism owns Populism Dr. Brad Lyles | February 3, 2014
Without ownership of the Populist message, Conservatism's free people and free markets will not succeed. Taking ownership of the Populist message, and SELLING IT, Conservatism cannot fail
