
Antibiotics Overuse And Its Implications Jack Dini | March 9, 2015
The use of antibiotics in animal production to promote growth has been banned in the EU and therefore in France since 2006

Hillary's delete key is probably shattered.

. . . "through news reports."

SAF Launches National Media Effort To Battle Obama Gun Control Second Amendment Foundation | March 9, 2015
[Obama is] scrambling to create a legacy, and a big part of that is effort is to establish himself as the man who brought restrictive gun control to America

How DNA Is Turning Us Into a Nation of Suspects John W. Whitehead | March 9, 2015
For those who know their history, the probability of our government acting in a way that is not only illegal but immoral becomes less a question of "if" and more a question of "when."

The status of protected and neutral zones could be part of a political-security package that includes Hamas’ commitment to a long term period of calm to allow restoration of the Gaza Strip

Solar Power propaganda vs. the real world Marita Noon | March 9, 2015
Clearly, without the mandates and subsidies, this “solar energy disruption” would go dark.

Second worst results in modern Swiss history

Expected to create more than 20,000 jobs through store staffing and construction.

“To be free, America needs to feed itself, fuel itself and fight for itself,”

Consolation on DHS Fail Arthur Christopher Schaper | March 9, 2015
The fight is just beginning, and conservatives are learning the importance of the long-term game for #MakingDCListen.

Waiter, Make Sure My Steak Moos only Once! W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | March 9, 2015
Toxoplasmosis, cholesterolphobia, coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10)

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s got lots of mail. Mail she shouldn’t have

World War II Vet: “I Was Young” Douglas V. Gibbs | March 9, 2015
"That is the main reason we are free," he said. "The Blessings of God have always been on this country. Today, I am not so sure."

Long-Gun registry data used in High River Gun Grab Dennis R. Young | March 9, 2015
Commentary #2-- RCMP High River Report

Despite the implication of news reports, some circumstances justify shooting an unarmed suspect.

The Serious Side of Funny Man Stan Evans Cliff Kincaid | March 9, 2015
Former KGB spy preside over Russia’s re-emergence, Alliance with Communist China, Marxism taking control of country after country in Latin America

I Never Stole Again Jimmy Reed | March 9, 2015
Robbing a Watermelon Patch

Sure doesn't sound like it.

America’s Military Power in a Steep Decline Alan Caruba | March 8, 2015
We are not prepared to fight a war and now you know why

Nostalgia for a Pre-Obama America Daniel Greenfield | March 8, 2015
A traumatized nation wants to return to a pre-Obama era, but there is no way back without undoing the things that he did

Silencing skeptics – financing alarmists Paul Driessen | March 7, 2015
Will Congress and media examine government, environmentalist and university alarmist funding?

UK Winter Rainfall Back To Normal

The WHY of Obama Dave Macy | March 7, 2015
The first civil war was truly about state’s rights. The next one will be also!

Video: The Leader of the Free World isn’t Obama News on the Net | March 7, 2015
Bill Whittle provides the amazing and disturbing contrast between The President of the United States and The Leader of the Free World

Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh’s On Lloyd Marcus | March 7, 2015
Rush articulated why Conservatism is the best and most direct path for everyone seeking to achieve his or her American Dream

Freedom to Farm or Bust Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 6, 2015
Liberty Farm, Virginia: A determined American is fighting for her farming rights and indirectly ours against a well-funded environmental Goliath

UN Ignores PLO Central Council Praise for Intifada Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 6, 2015
Familiar pattern: Israel makes a peaceful gesture. Palestinians respond with unconditional demands, more violence. United Nations gives Palestinians the benefit of the doubt

A Three-way on the Highway to Hell Jeff Crouere | March 6, 2015
The mantra from liberal activists is that to deny marital rights to same sex couples is to engage in discrimination

Dems vow to protect Boehner from conservative coup News on the Net | March 6, 2015
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has declined to weigh in on the conservatives' discontent
