
Fears for his ‘safety’ after declaring himself a skeptic

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Lexus ES hybrid a pleasant and luxurious sedan Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | May 15, 2014
The ES has always been one of Lexus most popular models, and this current generation is definitely the best of the ES series to date

Bose SoundTouch series streams tunes from your network Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | May 15, 2014
If you "feed" the SoundTouch units well, they'll "purr-form" for you very nicely


Science As McCarthyism Guest Column | May 15, 2014
Lennart Bengtsson Blames U.S. Climate Scientists For McCarthy-Style Witch-Hunt

Politicians are unreliable leaders, The IPCC is a political, not scientific, body, World isn’t warming

Speaking kindly Sarge | May 15, 2014
Randy Piedrahita

16th Annual Gas Tax Honesty Day

No one was really abreast of the latest news about the Benghazi terrorist attack, but they were aware of it

The House voted last week to hold Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about the IRS scandal

A New Level of Illegal Immigration Chaos Arnold Ahlert | May 15, 2014
Those convicted of murder, assault and kidnapping are free to roam the streets of America

Manoppello’s Face of Christ News on the Net | May 15, 2014
Paul Badde

Stop amnesty NOW! Barack Obama lacks the common sense and moral conviction needed to enforce the rule of law

Obama is leading from behind on energy independence and security

Energy Abundance and Economic Growth

CTF Calculates Costs of Liberal’s Proposed Aviation Fuel Tax Hike Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 15, 2014
Ontario Liberals propose a 148 per cent tax hike in Budget 2014

I don't know what you are talking about...

Science Doesn’t Support NCA’s Scare Tactics Institute for Energy Research | May 14, 2014
Climate change, IPCC, National Climate Assessment, NCA

Man's best friend

End the War on Racism Daniel Greenfield | May 14, 2014
The War on Racism has deprived Americans of more civil rights than any military conflict

A true once-in-a-lifetime trip with rich experiences that money just can’t buy

"No one knows the value of peace better than those who endured war,"

Who Will Defend America? Robert L. Rosebrock | May 14, 2014
Those who did not, or could not serve in our Military had better wake up and start serving those who did

Support Canada Free Press


The new entity is tasked with going back to the 2009 report and figuring out how to turn its recommendations into action

Godfather II, Jon Stewart

ObamaCare creates distortions in labor markets

Obama diplomatic CYA than actually caring about the fate of kidnapped Nigerian children

Mission accomplished & message sent Doug Hagmann | May 14, 2014
Loretta Fuddy's Death FOIA:

Boko Haram slaughters boys in Nigeria
