
The Republican RINOs in the senate need to emulate him, not attack him

MSNBC continues to tear into their messiah's train wreck

Every bit of Beltway wisdom blown to smithereens in less than a minute.

Caught in the whirlwind of ObamaCare costs, complexity and uncertainty

The Fourth Amendment has been reduced to little more than words on paper.

Unilateral disarmament on shutdowns.

Obama’s friends are America’s foes Frank Gaffney Jr. | October 21, 2013
Obama Doctrine: Embolden our enemies. Undermine our friends. Diminish our country.

UN Watch calls on Saudis to pull out of Nov. 12 election to Human Rights Council

Goodbye OPEC, Hello Independence Marita Noon | October 21, 2013
America’s potential energy future

Just Say NO ... To Obamacare! J.D. Longstreet | October 21, 2013
Delay Obamacare?

The message was delivered, but was it received? Doug Hagmann | October 21, 2013
New order of the ages: New order is not one inspired by God, but by the angel of darkness

Detroit’s $320 Million Federal Aid Package Alan Joel | October 21, 2013
No emergency for use of federal funds to Detroit. No Katrina. No Sandy--only decades of fiscal irresponsibility, corruption, mismanagement

Even the New York Times isn't trying to spin the Healthcare.gov disaster

Waiting Sarge | October 21, 2013
The rhythm of the American song is heartfelt

The Supersessionists of the Liberal Confederacy Daniel Greenfield | October 21, 2013
Liberal supersessionists claim to be worried about conservative secessionists when they should be far more worried about conservative supersessionists

Seventeen Trillion Dollars Heritage Foundation | October 21, 2013
How quickly Obama changed his tune when he transitioned from Senator to President

Disconnect. Perfect encapsulation of how official Washington is caught up in its mindset

The booby prize

Propaganda blitz Rolf Yungclas | October 21, 2013
We have three months to regroup after Boehner and McConnell’s capitulation to the President’s use of extortion to get his way

The Great American Wind Power Fraud Alan Caruba | October 21, 2013
Both wind and solar are unreliable sources of energy and produce so little as to lack any justification for their existence

Militant pro-gay group Stonewall

Amnesty’s Second Wind Arnold Ahlert | October 21, 2013
Why conservatives may be more vulnerable than ever to persuasion

Carbon Tax gets two Vetoes Viv Forbes | October 20, 2013
Why the debate?

Healthcare.gov Obama’s biggest lollygag to date Judi McLeod | October 20, 2013
Murky Marxist strategies of the Obama administration

Support Canada Free Press


Is Thanksgiving Day shopping really a problem in the grander scheme of things? Really?

The Press Endures Obama’s Unrequited Love Alan Caruba | October 20, 2013
Press acts and sounds like an abused wife.

Sarasota Key Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 20, 2013
I cannot have enough napping by the sea, watching nature unfold before my inquisitive eyes, and playing like a kid in the ocean surf.

Shutdown has hit DC….Dare we hope??? News on the Net | October 20, 2013
Obummer and Moochelle

PLO, Hamas continue to deny West Bank and Gazan Arabs the right to vote--Investigating claims of misappropriation of international donor funds

The American Tribe Daniel Greenfield | October 20, 2013
Most American Indians care as little about the Redskins or the Braves as we care about the Yankees and the Knicks
