
Kerry continues to tie the fate of the Islamic State to the fate of Assad--which will assuredly fall on deaf Russian ears

Pope says nice things about the poor, but the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death

Elevation of global warming/climate change to top issue by President Obama and Pope Francis wears the same label that they put on global warming. It did not come from the Almighty or from science. It is “man made”.

What Can’t happen Here Did Dr. Robert R. Owens | September 24, 2015
How did America fall for the second oldest con in the world, "Give me your freedom and I'll give you security?

Another Climate Prediction Fizzles

CHINA: Disappearance of Attorney Zhang Kai News on the Net | September 24, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Vatican has most restrictive immigration policy

A government funding bill that stripped Planned Parenthood of its federal dollars failed to advance in the Senate today.

Changes to Ontario ‘Death Tax’ Puts Additional Burden on Grieving Families Canadian Taxpayers Federation | September 24, 2015
Estate Administration Tax (EAT)

Is your water safe to drink? Guest Column | September 24, 2015
Lishtot’s inexpensive, reusable green light/red light device takes about two seconds to tell you if the water is drinkable or not.

Nuke deal or no nuke deal.

The Vatican’s Advisors: An Unholy Alliance with the UN Global Warming Agenda

The quicker we can free ourselves from its tentacles the better off we all will be

This summer, Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby parts to the nation.

Serves as a warning for other provinces

VWGate Threatens To Sink Germany’s Climate Crusade Guest Column | September 24, 2015
'Global Warming Zealots Are To Blame For Deadly Diesel Fiasco'

Is Another Fiscal Cliff Coming? Why Conservatives Are Concerned Heritage Foundation | September 24, 2015
“It is our budget or bankruptcy.”

Pearson’s video has been viewed over 1.8 million times on YouTube.

Stampede kills more than 700 at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca News on the Net | September 24, 2015
"We have a stampede accident in Mina, and civil defense is dealing with it," said Brig. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, an Interior Ministry spokesman.

Ioane Teitiota argued for four years he should stay in New Zealand because of rising seas that threaten to deluge Kiribati, making it unsafe for him and his family

Mandatory Muslim Immigration in the EU Arnold Ahlert | September 24, 2015
The European Union's plan to force poorer nations to accept thousands of refugees

Washington Post Comes to Bowe Bergdahl’s Defense Roger Aronoff | September 24, 2015
By characterizing Bergdahl not as a deserter but an unwitting victim, even a whistleblower, mainstream media hope to salvage Obama's damaged reputation for his outrageous decision to trade one soldier for five high-ranking Taliban terrorists

No more "I'll tell you when I'm president."

Forget any kind of reconciliation or unity between Fatah and Hamas. Although the international community is demanding two states for two people, the Palestinians are calling for three states for two people

MSM demonizes conservative teen David L. Hunter | September 24, 2015
Washington Post columnist Lonnae O'Neal attacks 13-year old Coreco JaQuan Pearson

The Rise of Islam in Our Children’s Minds Gary Hunt | September 24, 2015
Is This the Destruction of America?

...And Biden is the obvious choice.

The government is still trying to force the nuns to either violate their deeply held religious convictions or pay crippling fines to the IRS.

The Danger of Political Correctness

Snide is Satan’s way. Snide is the wily way of the average Marxist.
