
Study Confirms Gender Is Not Social Construct Liberty Counsel | January 10, 2018
Children chose toys aimed at their specific gender

SCOTUS Review Sought in Challenge of Alameda County Gun Store Ban Second Amendment Foundation | January 10, 2018
You simply cannot allow local governments to ignore the Second Amendment because they don’t like how the Supreme Court has ruled on the amendment twice in the past ten years

Trump lawyer files defamation suits against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS over Russia dossier

Islands escape major damage after one of the most powerful tremors ever to hit the region

How “GAADD” Is Slowly Killing North Americans W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | January 10, 2018
GAADD, Generalized Ascorbic Acid Deficiency Disease

Left Unsuccessful in Stopping Trump Tornado Sher Zieve | January 10, 2018
I believe that the Trump Tornado is about to strike again’. And this time it will likely have multiple vortices

Hatred, no matter how visceral and corrosive can’t wipe out reality

Trump’s Economy Booming Matthew Vadum | January 10, 2018
Leftists are having to talk their comrades down from ledges.

The definition of collusion must be expanded until no one is innocent.

How about Senator Joe? Dan Calabrese | January 9, 2018
Jeff Flake's seat is up for grabs, and it's on

How The Left Devalues American Citizenship Lloyd Marcus | January 9, 2018

Oh good

he court added that the residents and LGBT advocates only claimed to suffer a "stigmatic injury"

DRPK on Ice!

Exhibit A: The memo that got him fired because it was too positive in its view of men and conservative thinking.

Maybe Oprah should tell them to simply report the truth about scurrilous charges that the current president of the United States is a racist

If Israel wishes to avoid escalation, it must find ways to take immediate, forceful action to reduce the humanitarian and economic pressures on the Gaza Strip

The trial involved a dispute over grazing rights between Bundy and the federal government

Room To Grow: Comparing Urban Density in Canada and Abroad

Be Careful What you Wish For Viv Forbes | January 9, 2018

Antifa protesters struggle To define fascism Campus Reform | January 9, 2018
Opposition to “fascism” is increasingly in-vogue on college campuses, but many students still aren’t sure exactly what it is that they’re protesting against.
