
Las Vegas shooter’s laptop missing its hard drive News on the Net | October 25, 2017

PragerU Sues Google and YouTube for Censoring Videos Liberty Counsel | October 25, 2017
"There are many instances of political bias by Google and YouTube, which have repeatedly censored conservative or Judeo-Christian viewpoints,"

•Interfax, other media hit by badrabbit virus, Group-IB says
• Russian banks also attacked, unaffected so far, company says

The 5 Countries That Could Push Oil Prices Up Oilprice.com | October 25, 2017
The 'Fragile Five' petrostates--Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria and Venezuela‚--continue to see supply disruption potential

Hikers find, rescue lost pup trapped in abandoned mine

The argument every Republican would make if they understood basic economics

Media propagandists attack General Kelly Rolf Yungclas | October 25, 2017
Kelly's larger point was that Wilson had given a self-aggrandizing speech inappropriately at a memorial service

Bannon's vision for a united conservative movement is going to be executed by a "grassroots army,"

Habibullah Ahmad, 21 charged with attempted murder of Anne Widholm, 75

SHOCKING images of Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung show plumes of volcanic ash pouring out of the crater, leading to speculation that the volcano’s lava dome had collapsed.

Second Senate seppuku in a fortnight

Why Trump is correct to never apologize Dan Calabrese | October 25, 2017
No one is operating in good faith here, so sincere mea culpas will only become another weapon

Strange that Obama Hollywood pals like Tom Hanks, George Clooney et al never mentioned rumors about Weinstein to him before Malia went off to work for him

Oh yes, Frederica Wilson is lying Dan Calabrese | October 25, 2017
Even the stuff coming out from her supporters proves it

From swords to jet engines

The Grand Wizard, he ain't.

There’s a better path. If transgender activists don’t want to take it, they will reveal their goal is totalitarian power, not civil rights

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It’s Obama’s fault American soldiers died in Niger Daniel Greenfield | October 24, 2017
Putting soldiers in a war zone without a combat mission so they don’t offend Islamists

"Your existence is a disturbance."

Economy Of Force

Well well.

The Supreme Court rendered Hawaii v. Trump moot. The justices also vacated lower court rulings over the travel ban and remanded the case to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
