
The North Korea Military - 2017 Ray DiLorenzo | August 12, 2017
With Pyongyang only months away from realizing a nuclear attack force capable of reaching the United States, President Trump has decisions to make not seen since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

Never back down in the fight to cremate Obamacare Matthew Vadum | August 12, 2017
If left-wingers dominate the town hall meetings of federal lawmakers, we’ll never get rid of the socialist monstrosity known as Obamacare.

Schools shouldn’t run from the topic; they should embrace it.

It fits with Russia's objective 'to have Americans question the outcome of the election'

In these trying times, Jackie Mason is the Voice of Reason

The important question remains, where does the buck stop? That is the question that Media Matters should ask itself: when and where does this politicized outrage mob mentality stop?

Concrete- Lots Of Activity Jack Dini | August 12, 2017
What is it about Roman concrete that keeps the Pantheon and Coliseum still standing

Repealing Obamacare is Key to Economic Recovery Scott Powell | August 12, 2017
Comprehensive tax reform is nearly impossible with Obamacare in place

Which is why, if freedom is to survive in America, the U.S. Department of Justice must be drained.

After learning he had been relieved of the burden of arguing with erudite* radicals like Van Jones, Lord tweeted “LOL!”

That's not a dare, it's a statement

America’s Steam Punk Congress Guest Column | August 11, 2017
I’ve arrived at the conclusion that if the GOP was starving, and you gave them a hot bowl of soup and a spoon, they would immediately hold hearings and begin debating on what to do with the damn crackers!

But they still want the Kim regime in power

Unearthed: The Mother of all Memos

Bill Nye wants global warming deniers to die Matthew Vadum | August 11, 2017
Bill Nye, the anti-science guy

Rotel’s new nearly-all-in-one audio component sounds very sweet Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | August 11, 2017

And it can be expected to continue until a certain "master of Senate procedure" decides to use his so-called mastery to pass the agenda he claims to support

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Fusion Sport and MKZ offer sporty variations on a mid-sized them Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | August 11, 2017
My preference, budget willing, would be the MKZ over the Fusion Sport. It takes everything that's good about the Fusion and makes it just that much better. Naturally, you pay for the privilege, but there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Because the world needs more anonymous abuse, er . . . "constructive feedback."

Trump on North Korea: Military solutions are locked in place
