
Meanwhile all calls for cooler heads to prevail have been patently ignored ever since Trump’s election. But no matter how chaotic it gets, keep prayer and not hatred in your heart

Ouch. Gonna need to put some ice on that

Can there please be a Civil War General named Joe Buck?

This is how the left will neutralize the First Amendment concerning speech, just as they will neutralize it concerning freedom of religion by making everything that ever happens a function of the state

White House Sets Rules for Military Transgender Ban News on the Net | August 23, 2017
Guidelines expected to direct Pentagon to stop admitting transgender people, gives Mattis power to remove those serving

THE TRIPLE L’s George Giftos | August 23, 2017
Liberal Lunatic Left

Revolt of the Deplorables: Inside the Greatest Upset in American Political History

The line from Ferguson to Charlottesville Lee Cary | August 23, 2017
The media is working overtime to convince us that the removal of bronze and stone statues from the landscape, where some have stood for over 100 years, is about erasing racism and bigotry

ISIS Uses American Boy to Threaten Trump in New Video News on the Net | August 23, 2017
Never before has the terrorist nation used a U.S. child to spout propaganda, this time aimed straight for the president. Who is he?

Crowd-funding your fascism

Collusion Isn’t A Crime Even If You’re Caught Michael R. Shannon | August 23, 2017
A total of 97 “dedicated public servants” were given time off from delivering the mail to try and deliver the country to Hillary.

Trump: Our movement is a movement built on love Dan Calabrese | August 23, 2017
"You understood what Washington D.C. did not."

THE EMERGING US STOCK MARKET BUBBLE Robert Steven Ingebo | August 23, 2017
Data proves how widespread the artificially inflated stock prices of the multinational companies have become, making them all vulnerable to a selloff

Justice Bernd Zabel appears before 4-person review panel to determine if he receives any punishment

Procedure was part of early clinical trial of human bone tissue grown in the lab from stem cells of the patient, so there’s no risk of rejection

Bill Morneau’s attack on the middle class Canadian Taxpayers Federation | August 23, 2017
The victims will be the very people this government claims it is trying to help: mom and pop operations in small towns across the country, including farmers, mechanics and electricians

Does the Developing World Want Solar Power? Institute for Energy Research | August 23, 2017
Citizens in developing countries want power that they can rely on 24 hours a day

Anti-Trump protesters clashed with police after his rally, cops fired tear gas after having rocks hurled at them

House Negroes stand up! Herman Cain | August 23, 2017
They say it to me too, Dr. Ben Carson, because just like you, I refuse to embrace the backward thinking of today's black identity politics.

DNC raising money from fake white-supremacy claims Matthew Vadum | August 23, 2017
Claim: Trump surrounds himself with "bigots, white nationalists, and enablers of white supremacy"

Secretly admitting what we all already know

'These guys will sit and call 600 times before they get through and get an agent on the line that's an idiot'
