
Remember, our weakness lies in our diversity

But does anyone who's willing have the authority to make it happen?

A 'Saltine' the President

The man who thinks matter came from nothing strikes again.

Don't like it? Change your behavior

Trump – the consummate deal maker – must involve Jordan in any further negotiations to avoid following in the footsteps of his failed predecessors. In the case of “Palestine” size can really make a big difference

UPCOMING FEATURE FILM: “No Safe Spaces” BombThrowers | July 3, 2017
Utopia is coming in 2018!


The Robert Mueller circus rolls on BombThrowers | July 3, 2017
Now, every time a person brings up these problems with Mueller, the usual Beltway legal experts lecture us that he is beyond reproach

Natural economies of scale and grid reliability emerge from a let the consumer decide energy policy. In a free society, small, medium, and large can be beautiful

"It's not easy making American great again, is it?"

Trump’s energy policy Marc Duchamp | July 3, 2017
Will Canada, Australia and Europe commit economic suicide by sticking to intermittent, harmful, unaffordable renewable energy?

Because that's what liberal opinion writers masquerading as "fact checkers" do.

Kori Doty, who identifies as a 'non-binary trans person', wants Canadian authorities to issue 'non gendered' birth certificate for eight-month-old child

Globalists, Leftists, Colluding mainstream media, Tribal minds seeking our destruction

Damn It, I was born too soon W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | July 3, 2017
67th reunion at The Harvard Medical School (HMS)

I know how elitist, condescending, and left-wing many journalists can be

The Newly Approved Mega-Mosque in Rural Virginia Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 3, 2017
But the proposed mega-mosque wants special treatment to tap into the sewer system, while the surrounding residents were told to abide by the zoning rules

CNN’s Fake News Machine Daniel Greenfield | July 3, 2017
CNN has taken a beating. The two titans of anonymously sourced Trump hit pieces, the New York Times and the Washington Post, are next

The Tipping Point of Multiculturalism Linda Goudsmit | July 3, 2017
TOLERATING THE INTOLERANT: There must be limits of tolerance in a tolerant society because tolerating the intolerable is the tipping point of multiculturalism. It is cultural suicide to tolerate the intolerable

The Brilliance of Trump’s Mika Brzezinski Tweet Douglas V. Gibbs | July 2, 2017
What a dope. What a maroon! Not Trump. . . ME!

Disappointed when Mr Wonder walked back his statement of truth. However, I understand the pressure on Mr Wonder must have been tremendous. Leftists attack with furious anger, seeking to destroy anyone who dares to speak truth contradicting them

Flames engulfed roof of Bow Wharf building near Bethnal Green in East London

That means running ATC like a business—not a government agency—in order to generate a faster, safer, and more cost effective aviation system
