
American Politics, News

‘Obama-Paul’ Cuba Policy Not Working for Marco Rubio Heritage Foundation | December 22, 2014
The debate began Thursday, when Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, attacked Paul for having “no idea what he’s talking about” in supporting Obama’s decision

It was just "cybervandalism," but don't worry, we're going to "respond proportionally."

His way or the highway: Immigration, Cuba, Racial Tensions

A Pack of Wolves Tabitha Korol | December 22, 2014
The reality is that all these terrorists are indoctrinated from childhood to sacrifice their individuality for an organization, and are probably psychologically incapable of acting as lone wolves

Still under investigation.

"President Obama cannot end-run Congress based on his own "emperor-like" actions

Bill Whittle: We’re Number Two News on the Net | December 21, 2014
China overtook the United States as the largest Economy in the World

A Day in Infamy - Barack Obama’s Cuban Pact Obie Usategui | December 20, 2014
I consider Obama's renewed relations with the communist island as one of the most despicable political acts I have ever been a witness to. Inherent evil of Barack Obama and his administration

Obama, Stuxnet, and the Sony Hack Timothy Birdnow | December 20, 2014
The problem with cyber warfare is there are ultimately no winners; the weapons change but the battle will not end

All Lives Matter! Nadra Enzi | December 20, 2014
Black folks don’t have the market cornered on human suffering. Our history should make us the first ones to denounce harm which befalls fellow Americans, regardless of pigmentation

Saving Comrade Castro Daniel Greenfield | December 20, 2014
Obama’s Bailout for Communist Dictators

Hollywood Hypocrisy

Video: ‘Year of the emperor’ for Obama? News on the Net | December 20, 2014
Reviewing president's unilateral actions

Thomas More Society Reaches Temporary Agreement with ACLU of Indiana

Thank you Ms. Douglas for telling us openly what we always suspected to be the case. Thank you for alerting us to the Marxist revolutionaries in positions of power in journalism and academia.

Republicans need a presidential candidate who can articulate a clear, convincing conservative message and who is not afraid to debate. In the last election

Merry Christmas in the Trenches Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 19, 2014
Christmas 1914 became a day of fellowship, sharing food, trading uniform buttons, and playing soccer, a sliver of normalcy in a cruel and unnecessary war.

Evidence of bribery

Of course.

Oh goody.

CIA report encourages terrorists, betrays U.S. allies Lawrence J. Haas | December 19, 2014
America debated torture and rendered its judgment long ago. Rather than advance that debate, the committee’s report is just making American deaths more likely.

“Congress needs to pursue sweeping tax reform that creates opportunity and fairness for everyone,” says Dan Holler

Has America Finally Begun to Despise BOTH Parties? Jim Yardley | December 19, 2014
Anything that might change the power structure is bound to be fought by both Democrats and Republicans, using any sleazy, underhanded and destructive means that can be concocted

I predict ObamaCare will soon have millions more stuck in calculated misdiagnosis and non-care schemes

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In Moscow, Beijing and Tehran, they must be watching in awe. It's not every day an American president hits a grand slam--for the wrong team.

Senators Vow to Halt Obama’s Castro Odyssey Matthew Vadum | December 19, 2014
But is Congress a match for the president’s pen and phone?

Obama: Normalize Relations With Congress Before Cuba Arthur Christopher Schaper | December 18, 2014
President Obama needs to restore the proper order of Constitutional checks and balances, and submit to Congress before establishing the next steps for redefining the United States' relationship with Havana

Shame on you, Barack Obama, for moving the Bay of Pigs into the Oval Office!

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Liberty Counsel will defend-at no cost to taxpayers-any Florida court clerk who is sued for defending natural marriage.
