
American Politics, News

Oh goody.

CIA report encourages terrorists, betrays U.S. allies Lawrence J. Haas | December 19, 2014
America debated torture and rendered its judgment long ago. Rather than advance that debate, the committee’s report is just making American deaths more likely.

“Congress needs to pursue sweeping tax reform that creates opportunity and fairness for everyone,” says Dan Holler

Has America Finally Begun to Despise BOTH Parties? Jim Yardley | December 19, 2014
Anything that might change the power structure is bound to be fought by both Democrats and Republicans, using any sleazy, underhanded and destructive means that can be concocted

I predict ObamaCare will soon have millions more stuck in calculated misdiagnosis and non-care schemes

In Moscow, Beijing and Tehran, they must be watching in awe. It's not every day an American president hits a grand slam--for the wrong team.

Senators Vow to Halt Obama’s Castro Odyssey Matthew Vadum | December 19, 2014
But is Congress a match for the president’s pen and phone?

Obama: Normalize Relations With Congress Before Cuba Arthur Christopher Schaper | December 18, 2014
President Obama needs to restore the proper order of Constitutional checks and balances, and submit to Congress before establishing the next steps for redefining the United States' relationship with Havana

Shame on you, Barack Obama, for moving the Bay of Pigs into the Oval Office!

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Liberty Counsel will defend-at no cost to taxpayers-any Florida court clerk who is sued for defending natural marriage.

Can We Send Alan Gross Back to Cuba? Matthew Vadum | December 18, 2014
First there was the swap of U.S Army deserter and Taliban collaborator Bowe Bergdahl for five members of the Taliban's high command. Not exactly a good deal for America

Obama, Castro and the Pope Elvira Fernandez Hasty | December 18, 2014
To the Catholic leaders who wish to help the Cuban people, my prayers, too, that you would realize the evil that has descended upon our country and the Church. Your purpose is to save souls, not to be used as pawns for the Devil

Cancelled before it was even made.

What? It would cost money?

Interesting Times Sarge | December 18, 2014
An old Asian saying specifically warns us with its cryptic irony: “May you live in interesting times.”

‘We Had to Do Our Duty’

Obama’s ‘Operation Choke Point’ Arnold Ahlert | December 18, 2014
Why the administration’s crusade against lawful U.S. businesses won’t be discontinued anytime soon

Worrying About China Alan Caruba | December 18, 2014
The only constant in international affairs is change

Castro wins recognition; Bowl Cut Jr. rules the cinema.

What things look like after a short self-imposed news blackout.


Senator Rubio Discusses The Future Of U.S. Foreign Policy On The Senate Floor

None of the CIA people involved in the interrogations, nor the directors or deputy directors, were interviewed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) committee

Make Ready for the Christ Jim ONeill | December 17, 2014
True spiritual humility consists of surrendering yourself to God, pure and simple – it is such surrender at depth that protects the spiritually mature from arrogance and hubris; replacing pride and vanity with gratitude and devotion

Bill Whittle: A Truth Revolt video.


The Light of the World A. Dru Kristenev | December 17, 2014
On Christmas day, recall how light heralded the coming of Light to a world filled with darkness; darkness that can only be overcome by the clarity of God’s spirit among us – a babe who is Emmanuel.

U.S. and Cuba Swap Prisoners; Obama Ends Isolation Policy Heritage Foundation | December 17, 2014
President Obama unveiled the most dramatic change in U.S. policy toward Cuba since the 1961 embargo.
