
American Politics, News

"I don't know of another example of pastors' sermons being subpoenaed, except for in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia

Teaching about other cultures and other religions is apparently no longer enough–you must fully accept them

The Secular Media distort just about EVERYTHING News on the Net | October 24, 2014
Catholic Church

Local Control My Flying Red Butt! Sarge | October 24, 2014
Education, Common Core

Antichrist – There’s an App for That: Or There Soon Will Be Rev. Michael Bresciani | October 24, 2014
Our selfie-snapping generation that is always parked in front of a TV or carrying a pocketful of video power in their handhelds and tablets

Robert M. Beecher was arrested on May 7, 2014, after being told that he was not going to be arrested

Republican Barbarians at the Gates Dr. Brad Lyles | October 24, 2014
Revolution, Insurrection, Paradigm Shift: All are necessary if Conservatives are to prevail. The Left already owns us. Our leaders are co-opted. Can any measure short of Revolution prevail?

The Fundamental Transformation of Journalism Cliff Kincaid | October 24, 2014
How Edward Snowden Changed Journalism: Journalism has changed into a form of espionage that benefits the Islamic terrorists anxious to kill us

It’s time to beat the Jew haters Caroline Glick | October 24, 2014
The goal of elitist anti-Semitism is to erode the right of Jews to have and promote Jewish rights and interests

WMD’s and the Road to a Political Cover-up Timothy Birdnow | October 24, 2014
America continues her long, horrible slide because those who covet leadership are unwilling to fight for us.There needs to be a 12 step program for recovering co-dependents of the media. The GOP seriously needs treatment

Dad, the Dems, the Prospector, and His Old Friend Lloyd Marcus | October 24, 2014
Democrats; addicting as many Americans as possible to government assistance

EGYPT: Christian Mother Kidnapped by Militant Muslim News on the Net | October 23, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Because it’s so funny when a young woman is pushed down and dragged and called sexually derogatory terms to boot

One of the greatest hoaxes to be perpetrated on the modern Church is the assumption that it must incorporate to be recognized by the IRS as not liable for taxation

Rein In Federal Workers’ Paid Leave Abuse Michael R. Shannon | October 23, 2014
Now the call for “reform” will be taken up and much will be done and nothing accomplished

Is Voter Manipulation Real or Imagined? Chuck Lehmann | October 23, 2014
Spurious vote counting will be on display again during the upcoming election in a few hotly contested races for the Senate in Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina and Colorado

And THIS is the news! Sarge | October 23, 2014
Walter Brainwaste

In an hour of need, our assortment of national and international public health administrators

Alaska's Mark Begich - Obama voter and pseudo-detractor

The Islamic Madness Persists Alan Caruba | October 23, 2014
The “religion of peace”, Islam, has not produced much peace in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world for the last 1,400 years

The people and their elected representatives should debate the wisdom of redefining marriage. Judges should not.

Terror of one sort or another.

They could have at least used Obama's "workplace violence" angle...

We are sick of the egomaniac who has taken over the White House. We demand that real men be real men…not this fake ‘metro-sexual’ garbage

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Obama brand would be degraded and destroyed so thoroughly

Ebola Pandemic: Risks and Realities James Simpson | October 23, 2014
The monstrous Islamist group, ISIS, shares the lunatic left’s enthusiasm for Ebola

Feds Scramble for Risky Vaccine Cliff Kincaid | October 23, 2014
Whether the mandatory vaccines work or not, they will most likely be covered under Obamacare

You Can’t Reform Islam Without Reforming Muslims Daniel Greenfield | October 23, 2014
To change Islam, we would have to understand why its ugliness still speaks to Muslims

The inescapable conclusions of negligence or corruption or both cannot be simply swept aside for the sake of political correctness

Amnesty for 34 Million Illegal Aliens Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 22, 2014
One thing is certain, once the cards are issued, the already dire unemployment figures among America’s blue collar workers are going to balloon and the welfare rolls are going to swell
