
American Politics, News

Homeschooling costs less than public education and produces better results

Poor Little Rich Liberals Daniel Greenfield | September 8, 2014
They are impoverished in industry and suffer from severe poverties of honesty, decency and shame. Their fake poverty is as fake as their concern for the poor

Fox News’ Special Re-ignites the Benghazi Scandal Roger Aronoff | September 8, 2014
Eyewitnesses have spoken out about what happened in Benghazi. Threatens to haunt the left's strategy machine, which seems more concerned with spin than finding the truth

Washington Gridlock Matt Shipley | September 8, 2014
Repeal or otherwise abolish the 17th Amendment. We the people can restore a level of legislative harmony between the House and Senate

The Generosity Of Gander Jimmy Reed | September 8, 2014
The population of Gander —10,400 at the time — turned out en masse to care for 10,500 stranded travelers.

Waiting for Josh Earnest to interpret the President Rolf Yungclas | September 8, 2014
Let’s pray that our reluctant Commander-in-Chief gets fully behind the efforts of those like the Kurds, who are willing to take the fight to the ISIS forces

Not even pretending to govern anymore.

Yes, I Blame White Liberals Lloyd Marcus | September 7, 2014
The stench of liberal racist low expectations

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders—The Christian History Kelly O'Connell | September 7, 2014
Part 3A of 3: Britain Developed the Foundation of Rights of Resistance Used by the Founders

Executive Orders to bypass the US Congress

Progressive RINO Establishment Losers Sandy Stringfellow | September 7, 2014
How much further must the Republican Party slide towards its' own destruction before the cheer-leading GOP devotees yank the emergency brake on the Progressive RINO Establishment?

National Wall of Debt Mike Foil | September 7, 2014
Out-of-control spending and 100's of billions of dollars in additional deficits being added each year

Unsung Benghazi Heroes Jim ONeill | September 6, 2014
Tale of the six Annex Security Team: 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi

Tattoos, Artistic Expression, Fashion Statement, or Self-Mutilation Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | September 6, 2014
Tattoos are as old as our civilization and, for whatever complicated reasons humans seek and get tattoos today, they appear to be an outer expression of the inner self screaming to be noticed

It is time for the United States President to stop attacking American citizens and declare ISIS the real enemy!

Was Cliven Bundy in charge of the militia?

Problem will only be addressed when Americans begin to understand the key ingredients that are required for an economy to create wealth and prosperity for all

Dreading the Obama Strategy! John Lillpop | September 6, 2014
Loaded with soaring, but otherwise meaningless, rhetoric, vulgarly long on pomposity, yet tragically short on substance

The NFL Is The New Gay Lobby Jeff Crouere | September 6, 2014
The Michael Sam episode once again demonstrates that the NFL is beholden to a politically correct agenda and they will push it as much as possible

Not Lovin’ It: Fast Food Workers #FightFor15 Dollars an Hour Heritage Foundation | September 5, 2014
Highlights from the nationwide #StrikeFastFood protest

Change you can believe in.

Want to drive a prog nuts? Show them this...

Obama approval rating sinks to 38 percent Dan Calabrese | September 5, 2014
Sigh. Two more years of this crap.

Non-story back in news

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The Devil’s in the details Sarge | September 5, 2014
Obama's hog spittle and bluster

A forthcoming report is expected to clear the IRS of wrongdoing for targeting tea party groups.

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Biden is articulating and peddling something that sounds significantly different from the official vacillating White House line.

The Dithering Commander in Chief Barry Shaw | September 5, 2014
Pursue them to the gates of hell, Mr.V.P.? How do you do that when your boss won't let your troops out of their barracks?

Was there a dereliction of duty that day by the President, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, or top military officials?
