
American Politics, News

The Dems Waning War on Women Meme Arthur Christopher Schaper | September 5, 2014
Wasserman-Schultz’ washed-up “War on Women” smear against Gov. Walker

Because anyone can quote Scripture. It doesn't mean their heart is with the Lord

“Heavily Shackled Humanity” Alexander Maistrovoy | September 5, 2014
ISIS is pure, uncomplicated Islam in its most genuine, original form

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s War on Women Heritage Foundation | September 4, 2014
Wasserman Schultz’s comments are insulting to women

Don’t Worry, Be Happy Dr. Robert R. Owens | September 4, 2014
Even the godless Communists turned to God when they were on the ropes. Don’t wait for the bell to ring before you surrender and win.

The justifications for extending the Export-Import Bank’s charter keep changing, but the winners and losers remain the same

Is a Gay Football Player News? Alan Caruba | September 4, 2014
Gay Agenda, Government’s and Media’s Agenda

Dems running away from her insipid 'violence against women' metaphor...

Zsa Zsa Huffington says 'welcome aboard!'

A possible reprieve, if only a temporary one.

He never fails me Sarge | September 4, 2014
Obama’s inability to squirm out of this mess he’s created is delicious

Real Christian love is making responsible, wise and character-driven decisions with the best interest of others at heart; not embracing lawlessness or surrendering to evil.

It took a teacher 56 seconds to explain how to add 9 plus 6.

Investing money in or starting small businesses-- Backbone of America

NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Goes Gay - Dolan Cheers! News on the Net | September 4, 2014
Oldest, largest and longest running parade in the country has gone gay

A Coming Adoption of Forward Looking Valuation Rick Mills | September 4, 2014
Cloud Revenue Cycle Management

H.O.P.E. stands for Helping Other People Excel Herman Cain | September 4, 2014
Hope is a powerful thing...

X-Men Comics and Movies Push Homosexual Agenda Jerry A. Kane | September 4, 2014
Desensitize the public, Silence all expression and support for dissenting opinion, Convert the public by spreading propaganda via the media

The zinger he delivered at the end of the interview that is worth watching

Moderate Islam is Our New Religion Daniel Greenfield | September 3, 2014
The moderate Muslim is an invention of the liberal academic, the secular theologian, the vapid politician and his shrill idiot cousin, the political activist

Obama Betrays Freedom Fighters in Ukraine Cliff Kincaid | September 3, 2014
Obama plays into Putin's hands by refusing to even describe the invasion of Ukraine as an invasion. Our media go along with the facade, playing into Obama's (and Putin's) hands

Rear Admiral John Kirby discusses the response to ISIS News on the Net | September 3, 2014
"Defeating their ideology"

Maybe Biden doesn't know who's in charge....

'Strategy-free since 2013!'

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Another long, hard slog?

The "Obamanization" of America

U.S. No Longer has Influence in the Middle East Alan Caruba | September 3, 2014
U.S. can settle for nothing less than the destruction of the Islamic State, but it is unlikely to get much support from either European allies or action from the Arab states

Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS Sher Zieve | September 3, 2014
The world is in the most dire condition it has ever been and Obama is one of those leading the charge for its establishment as an Islamic slave State

The regularly scheduled trivia and/or distractions that have kept us tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles and tuned out to the government’s steady encroachments on our freedoms

Keep saying it!
