
American Politics, News

The entire master hearing lasts about two minutes.

Al Jazeera’s Ferguson Publicity Stunt Cliff Kincaid | August 22, 2014
Al Jazeera would rather claim police brutality than honestly report on what is actually happening, and how their own reporters contribute to the madness.

UKRAINE: Young Mission Workers Murdered News on the Net | August 21, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

What About Darren Wilson, Mr. Attorney General? John Lillpop | August 21, 2014
Eric Holder’s comments have been unhelpful in separating raw emotion, stoked by slavery and years of discrimination, from facts and reason

#BringBackOurForeignPolicy Klaus Rohrich | August 21, 2014
The West’s enemies are getting ever bolder, ever more savage with their provocations. They realize that at worst they’ll be chided with silly hash tag campaigns on Twitter


Apparently any gun that can 'shoot quickly' is an automatic

Pimping and pandering Sarge | August 21, 2014
Ferguson, Missouri; Governor Jay Nixon

Race baiters and hustlers continue to ply their wares, while now including the highest levels of political office in the USA

Little of the equipment condemned by the media was obtained through the DoD

Investigators say the teacher contacted school officials after seeing the message containing the words "gun" and "take care of business,"

Different types of Jihad-including an attack on our economy Diane Weber Bederman | August 21, 2014
Islamic banking system, Sharia Compliant Investments, Sharia Compliant Economy

“Nixon’s the One” for Media Hypocrites Cliff Kincaid | August 21, 2014
The real story out of Ferguson is that a national network of agitators is ready, on a moment’s notice, to arrive on the scene to cause violence and mayhem.

It is long past time to speak the truth. The blacks rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri are not oppressed, frustrated people.

Oh no! Not that!

Hands Up, Don’t Loot Daniel Greenfield | August 21, 2014
In Ferguson there was a choice between looters wandering around shouting "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" and ordinary citizens crying out "Hands Up, Don't Loot"

Not so 'inevitable' anymore?

Don't worry about it. Harry Reid says there's no problem.

The Real Racism: Black Genocide Christian Newswire | August 20, 2014
Professional race baiters exploit prejudices to fill their coffers and expand their political empires

The majority of DUI drug arrests involve marijuana and 25 to 40 percent were marijuana alone.

In a war zone, the soldiers shoot to kill, as American police have now been trained to do

"I'm sorry. I'm not very tolerant when it comes to all the liberals who complain about everything."

Trial by Media Sarge | August 20, 2014
The media thrives on conflict, that which they respond to and that which they produce, endorse and sell for their profit

Apparently the federal government has more compassion for the criminals invading our nation than it does for legal American citizens

Maxine Waters Says the Craziest Things Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 20, 2014
“We as African-Americans have to be smarter,” said Ruby Hicks of Racine, Wis. “And Maxine Waters needs to shut up.”

Should the government be in the business of “re-educating” its citizens to change their moral beliefs?

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment

Holder: "Extraordinary circumstances" surrounding Brown's shooting dictated that the feds conduct their own probe

MSM and Left Racism on Parade in Ferguson Lloyd Marcus | August 19, 2014
