
American Politics, News

Let me tell you about my hero, the man who beat ALS Dan Calabrese | August 25, 2014

If you want to see what Communism looks like, acts and says, watch and listen to the Democratic Party

But my saying it will mean nothing if the people on the ground don't want to make it happen.

Too much to lose Sarge | August 25, 2014
Get your heads out of your collective butts and get them back in the game

Holder prepares his “army” of lawyers Rolf Yungclas | August 25, 2014
We’ll see how bad things have to get before the reality of events in the Middle East overtake President Obama’s fantasy world

“School districts should trim bureaucracy and work on long-term reform options for better targeting taxpayer resources,”

The Cyclorama, Battle of Atlanta and Gone with the Wind Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | August 25, 2014
Remembering the War Between the States Sesquicentennial

Dey Might Bite Jimmy Reed | August 25, 2014
Growing up on the Mississippi Delta

The Ferguson Charade Obie Usategui | August 25, 2014
Ferguson Charade is all but a travesty to our "rule of law" of the land and our Constitution

Fear of the truth

Egregious racial profiling at the highest levels of government

The Golfing President Douglas V. Gibbs | August 24, 2014
All he cares about is if he is going to sink his next putt.

Post Obama Stress Disorder Joanna Rosamond | August 24, 2014
History will tell again, that no matter the war, American soldiers and veterans are survivors and not victims.

Liberty or Laws? – Appeasement Gary Hunt | August 24, 2014
We are fast approaching absolute subjugation to government authority. We are far worse off than our English ancestors in the mid-seventeen-hundreds

Freedom OF Religion, Not Freedom FROM Religion Alan Caruba | August 24, 2014
A relatively small Freedom From Religion Foundation will continue to use the courts to impose their atheistic views on any public institution

We Have a Good Name in Jesus Arthur Christopher Schaper | August 24, 2014
Because of the name of Jesus, through whom we receive this blessed, eternal favor

There Are No Self-Hating Jews Daniel Greenfield | August 24, 2014
There are no self-hating Jews. There are Jews who hate the Jewish People

False Narratives Pushed by Leftist Spin Doctors! John Lillpop | August 24, 2014
Presidency of Barack Obama has seen an unprecedented proliferation of screwy ideas, outright lies, in cahoots with brain-dead liberals in the media

Is The Tea Party Dead/ More MSM Lies Lloyd Marcus | August 24, 2014
Tea Party is not dead, nor will it ever die as long as there are those of us who love, God, family and country

Can America survive two more years of such idiotic self-delusional, infantile thinking from the Commander-in-Chief?

JB…John Brennan…a Company Man General Gonzo S. Patton | August 23, 2014
The rabbit hole is deep and there are scary, scary things down the John Brennan rabbit hole, most of which he does not want you to see

And, Remember to Dance! Fredy Lowe | August 23, 2014
“Let Go! Let God!”

Granholm - Destroyer of Prosperity Robert Laurie | August 23, 2014
Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm - who destroyed almost 600,000 Michigan jobs - to teach college class in job creation

Dismissive administration caught with its pants down.

Republican Party Insanity Jeff Crouere | August 23, 2014
Mitt Romney's Third Run at Presidency

Police Arrest Student for Shooting a Fictional Dinosaur Heritage Foundation | August 22, 2014
The current charges against Alex Stone highlight the reflexive response to treat every incident in school as a criminal behavior

It’s time for the President to lead, not follow public opinion polls

Due Diligence & Unexpected Consequences Sarge | August 22, 2014
David Vitter’s gone to the opposite of his earlier stance and statements

The entire master hearing lasts about two minutes.
