
American Politics, News

Kathleen Sebelius resigning Dan Calabrese | April 10, 2014
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning from the Obama administration

When MSNBC can't sell Hillary, you know things are bad

The Rise of Fakectivism Daniel Greenfield | April 10, 2014
Fakectivism is social media activism by small numbers of people that is integrated into the news cycle because it matches the media’s political agenda

The silent killer...

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Lloyd vs the Bitter Orange Tree: Round Two Lloyd Marcus | April 10, 2014
Removing the bitter orange tree was symbolic of removing all the bitter tasting distractions from my life; people, places and things

But they ignored it because he was useful.

No wonder he's so desperate to end the hearings...

Getting Your Neighbor’s Mortgage Off Your Lawn Heritage Foundation | April 10, 2014
Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac

Leftists keep devising newer and more radical tactics hoping to create their Utopia

“Building the Machine,” the Common Core Documentary Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 10, 2014
Using leftwing norms of morality and behavior, appear to be a recipe for mediocrity

Celebrating Passover and Survival Alan Caruba | April 10, 2014
These days it is the Christians of the Middle East experiencing the persecution the Jews have always known.

Demonizing SCOTUS Matthew Vadum | April 10, 2014
The Left launches an attack against conservative justices

Serious, unprecedented actions taken by Lois Lerner that deprived conservative groups of their rights under the Constitution

Eric Holder demands your sympathy and pity.

If you like your women....

No More Lies, Mr. Cummings: Tell America The Truth News on the Net | April 9, 2014
"Partisan politics and the weaponization of government against opponents of this administration is real and continues,"

Come to Amelia Island for our rally, and if you have time and resources, stay for a weekend of RINO hunting!

Holder Plays Race Card At NAN Convention Bob Parks | April 9, 2014
National Action Network

“Instead of celebrating” that men and women with similar jobs and levels of education make around the same, “the White House wants to portray this ‘war on women,’”

Cliven Bundy and his family are currently caught in a fight over land with the Federal government

The Culture is killing us Klaus Rohrich | April 9, 2014
Over the past three decades the culture has morphed into a vapid, shallow backwater of mediocrity. Ignorance is the order of the day

America’s Suicide Pact with Communism Alan Caruba | April 9, 2014
The warnings Reagan voiced in 1964 are no less true today and, with Barack Obama in the Oval Office, an even greater threat exists than did five decades ago


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Harry Reid a duplicitous snake? Never!

Farenthold 451 - The temperature at which administration witnesses get burned.

Relax, everybody, the Democrats just mispoke Herman Cain | April 9, 2014
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Will IRS Targeting Send Someone to Jail? Heritage Foundation | April 9, 2014
Americans who were targeted with the power of the federal government deserve to see a real investigation

School Stabbing Spree News on the Net | April 9, 2014
