
American Politics, News

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was found guilty on 20 of 21 corruption counts

We’re number 46 Jerry Philipson | February 15, 2014
If freedom of the press is lost in the United States freedom will be lost in the United States

“This decision is outrageous and legally flawed. Judges would be well-served to read the U.S. Constitution and not invent or rewrite it,”


God, help us from the evil stench of Democrat Party politics

Goodbye, Eric Holder? Matthew Vadum | February 14, 2014
Holder is irredeemably corrupt. He doesn't believe in race-neutral enforcement of laws

Planned obsolescence Sarge | February 14, 2014
The American Congress is recognizable as the equivalent of the Yugo

Seven Times Obama Ignored the Law to Impose His Executive Will Heritage Foundation | February 14, 2014
"I can do whatever I want."

Refuting Robert Reich Arnold Ahlert | February 14, 2014
Seven tired left-wing arguments and why they fail.

Expose the Snowdenistas Cliff Kincaid | February 14, 2014
Spies from Russia, China, Cuba, and other nations have targeted the essential secrets of U.S. intelligence capabilities in order to be able to defeat them. Now Snowdens and the WikiLeakers of the world are helping

Obama 2008: Bypassing Congress Unconstitutional

Celebrate Valentine’s Day and Monogamy Alan Caruba | February 14, 2014
Monogamous marriage is the most thrilling adventure anyone ever undertakes. It relies not on sex, which is easy, but on romance, falling in love and staying in love, which is the work of a lifetime

Robert Reich’s Revolutionary Rants Matthew Vadum | February 14, 2014
Reich's noise-making is about the politics of distraction, misdirecting public attention, trying to change the national political conversation moving it away from the stagnant economy, the failing ObamaCare

“Sure You Go To Mass, But Do You ...?” Father Paul Nicholson | February 14, 2014
Homily Feb 14th St. Valentine's Day

Cold Hard Reality of Obama “not a bad guy” News on the Net | February 13, 2014
Operation American Spring in Washington, DC on May 16, 2014

The Incredible Legal Immigrants Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | February 13, 2014
True pioneers who battled hardships, life and death situations, insecurity, the unknown, lawlessness, prejudice, abuse, interment, and unforgiving conditions, thanking God for their good fortune and their freedom

States Trouncing Drones 42 to 8 – But Are We Winning? Gretchen Olson | February 13, 2014
Law enforcement have been “borrowing” UAVs from federal agencies, including DHS, at an alarming rate

Why Should the House Impeach President Obama? Dr. Robert R. Owens | February 13, 2014
We, the lovers of freedom and the supporters of limited government cannot merely wait out the clock on the Obama presidency

Hope Dr. Brad Lyles | February 13, 2014
Oklahoma, Charlie Meadows, OCPAC

COLOMBIA: Murdered Father and Son Together in Eternity News on the Net | February 13, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Failure + desperation + last ditch attempt at intimidation = Democrat

Doing nothing is a trap, but we can't let it become amnesty.

Anybody But-Boehner Campaign: The object of the GOP is to win elections without a conservative mandate and to then govern without a conservative agenda—so as to ensure reelection

The only power courts have resides in the trust of the people that they are acting within the rule of law

A Rebel Without a Clue Sarge | February 13, 2014
John Boehner

Michael Behenna wins parole! News on the Net | February 13, 2014
Congratulations to the Behenna family; Michael is coming home

If Only a Snow Shovel Could Dig Us Out of This Heritage Foundation | February 13, 2014
Debt limit

Income Inequality at the White House Arnold Ahlert | February 13, 2014
Marxists with a taste for the finer things.

The Government is in the business of ensuring equality, a “level field” for anyone who values Whitman over work, toying over sowing, and chilling over drilling

Catherine Engelbrecht 1, IRS 0 Herman Cain | February 13, 2014
Reminder: We are not their subjects
