
American Politics, News

Marijuana is not the harmless drug, a mind-altering substance that can play a role in creating communist or Islamic terrorists

The Revolution Passed in the Night Dr. Robert R. Owens | April 26, 2013
America has a President who advances values and policies opposed to the beliefs of a vast number of Americans

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

The frightening new normal

There are no do overs in golf. For Obama everything he does is a do over

The whole idea of decision-making was of course the prevailing theme of Bush's memoir Decision Points

Luntz targets Limbaugh & Levin

American Families Cannot Afford the Cost of Amnesty Heritage Foundation | April 25, 2013
Gang of Eight bill

Erin Burnett's sensationalist report

Diversity and Multiculturalism, Failed Liberal Values Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 25, 2013
Left wing ideology with the help of Marxist college professors, Hollywood, and the mainstream media

Alex Jones scores one for tyranny Corey Hunt | April 25, 2013
Iranian Press TV: While claiming to defend America from a dystopic future, a popular radio host turns to a land that is already there

Constitutional Currency Matt Shipley | April 25, 2013
Coinage Act of 1792

A war being waged by Muslims against us and others.

Boston bombings, Americans are in no mood to compromise on Issue of America’s out-of-control immigration policies, especially our wide open borders

A Tribute to Howard Phillips Cliff Kincaid | April 25, 2013
Chairman of the Conservative Caucus, Campaign to restore our Constitutional Republic

The demise of evil Marta H. Mossburg | April 24, 2013
This divorce of moral significance from the words we choose likely will not end soon.

“The employer mandate exceeds Congress’s enumerated powers,”

Junior Bomber, Left’s New Darling Joy Tiz | April 24, 2013
Boston bombing terrorist, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: just a typical smoking-pot teenager, hanging out with his friends

What difference does it make?

Also, "Government is inherently good."

Soon just breathing will be considered ‘sexist’ Dr. Laurie Roth | April 24, 2013
Morals, God, The Bible, Traditions, American tradition and history be damned. That is the real message from progressives

Charity enforced isn’t charity Sarge | April 24, 2013
Progressivism, consequences, Altruism, humanitarianism

On the verge of creating and Imperial Dictatorship

Don’t Fall Into the Boston Immigration Trap Heritage Foundation | April 24, 2013
Getting trapped in a debate about whether comprehensive immigration reform will help or hurt us in thwarting terrorism will get us nowhere

A cynical game

"Abortion is connected to lots of other things that are threats to human dignity in its fullness."

Cambridge, Massachusetts; home of the left-wing Harvard University

Boston deaths justifiable “blowback” Guest Column | April 24, 2013
Richard Falk, UN "human rights expert" and terrorism apologist

Why Muslims Kill Daniel Greenfield | April 24, 2013
Let us look at Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Egypt to see what this thing that the terrorists would like to impose on us is
