
American Politics, News

Jim DeMint on the Senate’s Flawed Immigration Plan Heritage Foundation | April 18, 2013
Gang of Eight


First Home Game Since Marathon Tragedy

Congress Silent on Al Jazeera’s Expansion Cliff Kincaid | April 18, 2013
Al Jazeera, meanwhile, continues to expand its operations

Why the Federal Government? Mike Foil | April 18, 2013
Rights and Authority

Don't Let Socialist Democrats Fool You:

Witnessing the Death of Liberty Doug Patton | April 18, 2013
Those who would steal our freedoms would first steal our reality, or at least distort it. This nation of sheep is indeed begetting a government of wolves, and as a result we are all witnessing the death of liberty

Supreme Court Ejects Foreign Suits from U.S. Courts Liberty Counsel | April 17, 2013
We are thankful that the Supreme Court has firmly closed the door to foreign groups and their domestic allies, who seek to use American courts against American citizens

Fair and Balanced—and Completely Wrong! John Lillpop | April 17, 2013
With all due respect to the unemployable air heads at CNN, MSNBC

If We Blow It Up Again It Will Blow Up Again Dr. Robert R. Owens | April 17, 2013
How many times must this Ponzi scheme economy show itself for what it is? How many times must this self-serving Progressive cabal be exposed for the hypocritical central-planning neo-fascists that they are?

"This is a hate crime -- hatred of God, His word and His law."

Ten tips for SMBs to Kick Off 2013 the Right Way Guest Column | April 17, 2013
Review and revise your business plans

David Sirota

Now Obama wants a free hand to give free federal tax dollars to all his lobbyist pals

Boston: Blowing up America Selwyn Duke | April 17, 2013
Muslim terrorists can destroy physical structures and flesh but can’t undermine our laws, traditions, and very fabric of society. Only the Left can

The Systemic Failure of Bullying Timothy Birdnow | April 17, 2013
The triumph of Progressivism

Why stop there? Let's ditch Christ for Cesar Chavez too

Here we go: Left hopes the bomber is a white dude Dan Calabrese | April 17, 2013

Tears Don’t Protect Against Murder Daniel Greenfield | April 17, 2013
Bullets do. Terror, Terrorism, Boston Bombing, Munich

Inside the Obama Echo Chamber Alan Caruba | April 17, 2013
Enemy has concluded that Obama really doesn’t care. Has a far greater agenda to wrap up, fundamental transformation of America

Toxic Government by Democrats: Detroit Arnold Ahlert | April 17, 2013
Despite such failure, Democratic policies continue to be implemented


American interests vs. Amnesty

Living as a U.S. citizen outside of the United States is at best difficult and at worst impossible

‘Bostonghazi’? A.J. Cameron | April 16, 2013
There is a war being waged within the U. S. between good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, self-appointed tyrants vs. the public

Obama Applies PC Band-Aid to Boston Terrorism Rev. Michael Bresciani | April 16, 2013
Wimpy, wobbling wordings from the White House and irresponsible journalism given to politicking this attack - are obscene and irresponsible.

Doghouse resident Sarge | April 16, 2013
Obama has little to no conscience beyond the length and breadth of his political ambitions

Debt, deficit, draconian cuts

Bloody Boston Alan Caruba | April 16, 2013
What we have witnessed from the President and his administration has been a display of weakness in the face of threats from the Middle East and elsewhere around the world
