
American Politics, News

Why did Jesus celebrate Chanukkah? David Rushton | December 14, 2012
I believe this story of faith and courage has two lessons for us today

Who Should We Blame? Alan Caruba | December 14, 2012
Adam Lanza

73rd Anniversary of “Gone with the Wind” premiere Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | December 14, 2012
Civilization gone with the wind

My Christmas Tree Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 14, 2012
My heart fills with loving memories of Christmases past and of family members lost who made our Christian traditions so special

Chew Boots Jimmy Reed | December 14, 2012
Fancy Cowboy Boots, Christmas presents, Dogs

What Will the Fiscal Cliff Deal Look Like? Heritage Foundation | December 14, 2012
To hide the true cost of budget deals, leaders in Washington get away with things that we could never do in our household budgets.

It’s far from over and Moore knows it.

National Missile Defense Now Priority One J.D. Longstreet | December 14, 2012
North Korea, Iran, Ballistic Missiles

George Soros, Proposition 34, Savings, Accountability, and Full Enforcement for California (SAFE Act) Initiative

Turning America into a Third World backwater Klaus Rohrich | December 14, 2012
Harry Belafonte, Dictator Obama

Game Plan for the UNESCO Shakedown Claudia Rosett | December 13, 2012
Disturbing signs of a renewed push by the Obama administration to waive U.S. law in order to flood UNESCO once again with American taxpayers’ money

Moral v. ethical Sarge | December 13, 2012
Politicians believe themselves apart from the electorate who placed them in positions of legislative power

When it comes to fulfilling one’s constitutional responsibilities, there’s no room for compromise

U.S. Debt Made in China Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 13, 2012
China’s holdings of U.S. property and U.S. securities have increased

Short Memories, Long Term Consequences Alan Caruba | December 13, 2012
Either not keeping these things firmly in mind or forgetting all the other reasons guarantees that 2013 will be worse, politically and economically

If it was possible for God to come to earth as a baby… Dr. Laurie Roth | December 13, 2012
He can build the U.S. back no matter who is in the White House

Misinterpreting Obama’s Tax Mandate Michael R. Shannon | December 13, 2012
Government grows because politicians aren’t spending their own money. The money Jenkins and Principi want to spend is free, because it’s yours

Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 13, 2012
Endlessly printing money always leads to money that isn’t worth anything

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Right-to-Work in Michigan: 24 down, 26 to go Doug Patton | December 13, 2012
It is long past time to break the stranglehold labor unions have had on the public and private sectors

Deadline for States to Claim Their Role in Obamacare Heritage Foundation | December 13, 2012
After the Supreme Court ruled that the Medicaid expansion would have to be optional, it threw a wrench into the Administration’s plan

Congress To Push More Accursed Dollar Coins??? J.D. Longstreet | December 13, 2012
Replacing the dollar bill with a dollar coin

Benefit Concerts for our Military! News on the Net | December 13, 2012
Liberty Tour 2013

Mounting violence and protests in Egypt Guest Column | December 13, 2012
20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt as part of the $1 BILLION in U.S. taxpayer dollars that are sent overseas for so-called "foreign aid."

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President Obama Gives His Blessing To Islamist Dominated Syrian Opposition Coalition Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | December 13, 2012
Islamic jihadism, Syrian Opposition Coalition

The Darkness and the Light Daniel Greenfield | December 13, 2012
Each time we light a candle or dip a wick in oil, we release a flare of light from the darkness comes to remind us of what was, is, and can still be

The Tax Romana Guest Column | December 12, 2012
The Tax Romana is long gone. The Tax Americana is well underway. Who will be the barbarians we greet as liberators?

Liberals like Matthews and their union allies are extremely unhappy with the passage of the right-to-work law

Times change. Feelings remain the same

Johnny Hammar, Mexico, Kenneth Bae, North Korea, Jacob Ostreicher, Bolivia, Alan Gross, Cuba
