
American Politics, News

Stop Meeting with the U.N. on Climate Change Heritage Foundation | December 10, 2012
For far too long, the U.S. has played on the United Nations’ terms on climate change

Giving a gift of honor this Christmas season Kerry Patton | December 10, 2012
Contracted: America's Secret Warriors

UN Treaties Erode US Sovereignty, Exert Control Alan Caruba | December 10, 2012
Kyoto Protocols, Law of the Sea Treaty, Internet Control, Gun Control, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Is America Headed Into An Intentional Recession? Austin Hill | December 9, 2012
“Embracing” recession, as though it is an appropriate means to a necessary end

Well Done, My Good And Faithful Servant Jimmy Reed | December 9, 2012
Judgment Day

Addressing Our Debt Is a National Security Imperative Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 9, 2012
Long-term debt is the single greatest threat to our national security

California is in for a tough economic ride, worse than she has already faced under liberal democrat leadership

A Holiday of Resistance Daniel Greenfield | December 9, 2012

The Engineered Collapse Robert Rohlfing | December 9, 2012
Half of this nation and leaders from both political parties have now embraced our road to collapse

Stop the Madness! Stop Negotiating with Obama! Daniel Wiseman | December 8, 2012
We have an elected coup d’etat with a man the head of a party in which 52 percent of Democrats say they are favorably disposed to socialism, and overtly hostile to economic freedom

A Republican Civil War Daniel Greenfield | December 8, 2012
The Republican Party can no longer win a race against a radical leftist without the Tea Party

Restore America 101 Lloyd Marcus | December 8, 2012
I am prayed up and my powder is dry. Let's roll!

Harry Reid Strikes Again With Obstructionism! J.J. Jackson | December 8, 2012
Obama's Plan, Fiscal Cliff

The Race to Mediocrity Sarge | December 7, 2012
This is what Obama, Democrats and Republicans want for you and your children

Jim DeMint to Lead the Battle of Ideas Heritage Foundation | December 7, 2012

After City and Federal Court Banned Them

Electoral College, Nebraska-Maine model

A Day of Infamy – 71 Years Later J.D. Longstreet | December 7, 2012
So, remember Pearl Harbor today -- but more importantly -- understand what Pearl Harbor and the Second World War were about

West Point Hosts its 1st Same-Sex Wedding William R. Mann | December 6, 2012
Having said my two cents on foolish government policy and the latest popular fad, I now return to what's really important this week: BEAT NAVY!

Happy Days Are Here Again Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 6, 2012
Yes, Mr. Obama won the election as Chicago politicians always win elections however we the people have not thrown in the towel

Capital High School (CHS) in Charleston, West Virginia

Old Media Still Attacking Mitt Romney Warner Todd Huston | December 6, 2012
We find out that Romney has become "secluded" and is "marked by repressed emotions." He's just a mess if you believe The Washington Post.

The timeline is rather suspect, wouldn't you think?

So don't dare call Boehner weak. He's plenty game to flex his muscles when it's to pummel conservatives

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Soros Remakes America into Narco Nation Cliff Kincaid | December 6, 2012
States embrace legalization of marijuana

The Awful Eight

The Lord’s Long Johns Jimmy Reed | December 6, 2012

Hospital Privacy Notices and National Security

The American people--long ago--were shut out of their own government. Now Congress is being shut out, also

Freaky Friday Alan Caruba | December 6, 2012
Fiscal Cliff, Syria chemical and biological warfare arsenal, United Nations, Global Warming
