
American Politics, News

Left-Wing Union H8ters Update Warner Todd Huston | March 6, 2011
Once again we see the hate and unhinged minds of these leftist union thugs

Let’s see how open Huffington is to just compensation, or heaven forbid, collective bargaining

Writers at ArtScene and Visual Art Source

Two brief refreshing American tales Lloyd Marcus | March 6, 2011
Attitude, Spirit, Commitment to a dream

Mexican drug war and the continuing flow of illegal aliens into the United States

Duped! Relentless Marxist Deception Alan Caruba | March 5, 2011
Seeking to dupe Americans Obamacare was an act of raw political power

Targeted Warfare

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

Republicans Are Going Thomas Jefferson On Us J.J. Jackson | March 5, 2011
Constitution, Big Government, Louisiana Purchase, Cutting budgets

Did the economy really produce 192,000 jobs in February? If so, thank the Republican take over of Congress for the improved optimism among business leaders!

I Knew I Liked Saul Alinsky Dr. Gerald Stephens | March 5, 2011
According to Saul, now that a majority of Americans have been stirred up to “dissatisfaction and discontent” it is time to act, Impeachment

Isn’t it sad to see millionaires and billionaires squabbling like little children?

A Newton for Our Time Michael R. Shannon | March 4, 2011
Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson repudiated his participation in the greatest moral evil of his age, Abortion

A constant complaint by conservatives has been the use of tax dollars to put liberal and far-left voices on public broadcasting

Sleight of hand Michael Oberndorf, RPA | March 4, 2011
Our runaway federal government must be reined in

Politicians from both parties are guilty of ignoring the true magnitude of the nation’s debt

"Project Gunrunner" , 'Fast and Furious' operation

Frank Rich Abandons the New York Times: Good Riddance! Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 4, 2011
Left-wing op-ed columnist Frank Rich is leaving the New York Times. Good riddance.

Arizona, DOMA, Jews, Israel, Gays, Mexico, DADT

Fighting ICLEI

America needs Allen West James Sharp | March 4, 2011
Please consider making a run for the Presidency of the United States of America in 2012

And the Dead Beat Goes On Dr. Robert R. Owens | March 4, 2011
We can't spend our way to prosperity. We can't borrow our way to solvency, and we shouldn't condemn our descendants to a life of limited opportunity crushed under the debt for the entitlements we wanted but couldn't afford

Liberal media's coverage of the Tea Party and their blatant ignoring of racism coming from the Left

So Refreshing; Congress Doing Its Job Phyllis Schlafly | March 4, 2011
Amendments reveal the nonsense now imbedded in the federal budget

The growing controversy over Grandy’s departure has resulted in some Grandy supporters charging the station with being “Sharia-compliant,”

An Open Letter to Dr. Roth, Obama Eligibility Dr. Gerald Stephens | March 3, 2011

Private 1st Class Bradley E. Manning

Stunning attempt to force the homosexual agenda on the American people, Barack Obama has ordered Attorney General Eric Holder to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act

The Supreme Court Gets It Right On First Amendment Protection For Hurtful Speech Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 3, 2011
Upheld the First Amendment rights of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas to engage in a hateful protest at military funerals

Racine middle school teacher Jack Senzig
