
American Politics, News

Open borders, Bankrupt country, Government control of finance, Energy, Health, and almost every other aspect of your daily life

Quote Of The Day Bob Parks | June 18, 2010
Julia Reed, Newsweek senior editor on CNN on Anderson Cooper 360

Barack Obama, Esq Bruce Walker | June 18, 2010
Lawyers, like community organizers, argue

The Marxists now running the USA and strangling it with their intensifying iron-fisted grip

Capitalizing on the latest crisis Guest Column | June 18, 2010
Congress and the White House are using to Gulf oil spill to advance dubious energy agendas

Fairness for Sholom Rubashkin Yomin Postelnik | June 18, 2010
The case of Sholom Rubashkin is indeed as shocking as it is outrageous

Social Issues vs. Fiscal Issues Phyllis Schlafly | June 18, 2010
Breakdown in our culture that has caused millions of Americans to depend on government for their living expenses and for solutions to their personal problems

Death Knell of America

Man up, Mr. President, and stop the insane dithering!

The Afghanistan Quagmire Alan Caruba | June 18, 2010
Once the Taliban acquired surface-to-air missiles, the primarily advantage our military had was removed

Video: Dale Peterson Gives a Rip About John McMillon Warner Todd Huston | June 18, 2010
World famous Alabama Ag Commish candidate Dale Peterson

Another Trust Fund to Rob? Otis A. Glazebrook, IV | June 17, 2010
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, The Obama Presidency has now successfully co-opted all three branches of our government

2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded Warner Todd Huston | June 17, 2010
This is the sort of stupidity that makes adults look like utter morons

Countering political contributions to the GOP

Disclose Act - We Must Defeat this Bill! Guest Column | June 17, 2010
Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act

While the Gulf Burns, NeroObama Golfs Warner Todd Huston | June 17, 2010
I guess he meant he’d “kick some #” on the golf course, not the Gulf course

Collectivism without the Teleprompter William R. Mann | June 17, 2010
The Progressive movement and Progressives in Government have over the last one hundred years, all but obviated the limitations set by the U. S. Constitution

Paper Tigers Sarge | June 17, 2010
Congress has the temerity to challenge anybody’s ethics or job performance

You can fight city hall! Henry Lamb | June 17, 2010
Houston County landowners, Smart Growth

Obama refuses to stop the damage being done to humans, animal wildlife and the entire environment

The actions of Obama’s forces in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Beginning of an American return to conservative values

America has walked right into a constitutional gas chamber

Inhofe objects to anti-gulf energy bill EPW Blog | June 17, 2010
Calls for Sensible Reform of Oil Pollution Act

"The time has come to deny any and all federal funding to Planned Parenthood by passing the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act."

Marxism is alive, Defense of Communist Cuba and Venezuela by movie director Oliver Stone and former Minnesota governor Jessie Ventura

Mexican gunmen killed 10 police officers and injured several more in Michoacan state while 28 prisoners were killed in a jail in Sinaloa state

I don’t know if Chris Matthews wants to be the Glenn Beck of the Left or is genuinely psychotic

$50 billion per year in illegal drug smuggling

Obama Nominee Defended Saudi Terrorist Jim Kouri | June 16, 2010
James Cole, Deputy Attorney General
